Working in accordance with the principles of scientific and ethical integrity-bis
Like any researcher, the doctoral candidate must conduct research with integrity and responsibility. The doctoral training also requires all doctoral candidates to receive training in research ethics and scientific integrity.
To this end, the Doctoral College of Sorbonne University organises a series of lectures. They are filmed and are now available online. In addition, the Doctoral College offers workshops in small groups to deepen its training offer.
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by Baird Callicott, University Distinguished Research Professor and Regents Professor of Philosophy, University of North Texas
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by Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Commissioner at the French Electronic Communications and Postal Regulatory Authority (arcep) Former Professor at the École Polytechnique, France and former Research Director at the National Centre for Scientific Resarch (CNRS)
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by Hubert Gatignon, Emeritus Professor of Marketing (INSEAD), President of the FNEGE “comité anti-plagiat”
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by Göran Colliste, Professor, Centre for Applied Ethics, Department of culture and communication Linköping University, Sweden
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by Uri Simonsohn, Professor of Operations and Information Management & Professor of Marketing The Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania
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by Michèle Leduc, Physicist, CNRS Research Director emeritus Member of the Ethics Committee of CNRS, Member of the OFIS (Office Français de l’Intégrité en Science)
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by Jean-Jacques Wunenburger, Emeritus professor of philosophy, Lyon 3 University
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by Zoe Hammatt, President; Z Consulting, LLC Research Integrity Consultation & Writing Services