Research and Education
Sorbonne University is a public university, created on January 1, 2018, through the merger of Paris-Sorbonne and Pierre et Marie Curie Universities.
It is structured in three faculties, covering humanities, languages and social sciences, science and engineering, and health sciences.
As a multidisciplinary research university in the heart of Paris, Sorbonne University is resolutely international. In cooperation with its partners, it creatively and innovatively implements its missions of education, research, innovation, mediation and technology transfer for the common good.
Sorbonne University is breaking new ground in knowledge and tackling major contemporary challenges, such as climate change and sustainability, digital transformation and the data revolution, personalized medicine, and open science. Strengthened by its shared values—quality and integrity, freedom, transparency and collegiality, diversity, exchange—it ambitiously pursues its mission of public service, creation and development of knowledge, at the heart and intersection of disciplines.
Sorbonne University promotes equal access to knowledge for all, from undergraduate to doctorate level, and throughout life. Whether you're leaving high school, returning to school or pursuing a career, Sorbonne University offers a demanding curriculum nourished by the spirit and methods of research, and enables students to build their own multi-disciplinary career paths. On its campuses, in Paris and at its regional marine coasts, it boasts state-of-the-art facilities that are conducive to success and hard work.
Because there can be no success without the possibility of self-fulfillment, Sorbonne University supports the living conditions of students who are in need, offers a wide range of sporting and cultural activities and encourages student initiatives.
Sharing knowledge
Sorbonne University contributes to current public debates through a wide range of events that are open to all. On its campuses, everyone can come, discover and share knowledge: through courses, lectures, events, discovery of unique collections, as well as shows or concerts.
Innovation and entrepreneurship
The transfer of technology and expertise is a priority for Sorbonne University. It promotes entrepreneurship and supports promising start-ups from its community, due to a wide range of investment and technology transfer instruments. Sorbonne University's economic partnerships, from start-ups to major corporations, further strengthen the economic and societal impact of its research.
An open, global university
To fulfill its missions and achieve its vision, Sorbonne University is developing a dynamic partnership policy. It oversees its laboratories with national research organizations and leading academic partners. In 2018, it created the Sorbonne University, which defines the orientations of the long-term Excellence Initiative for the implementation of Sorbonne University's establishment project.
In Île-de-France, Brittany, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Occitanie, it works closely with local authorities and businesses, contributing to the economic development of French regions.
Particularly active within the European academic and scientific space, and thanks to its strategic international partnerships, Sorbonne University contributes to the influence of French sciences and humanities. Committed to research and student success, in a spirit of diversity and openness, Sorbonne University is part of the great adventure of knowledge at the service of society.