Knowledge transfer
The results of research conducted in Sorbonne Université laboratories lead to numerous innovations with applications in various fields. Whether for direct transfer to companies or the creation of start-ups, Sorbonne Université is open to society by responding to both societal issues and the needs of industrial stakeholders.
A network of actors is mobilised to enable technologies and projects resulting from research structures to be exploited or marketed. Sorbonne Université personnel are supported in all the necessary steps for negotiating and setting up public and private research projects at regional, national and international levels, and in overseeing their implementation.
The Société d’Accélération et de Transfert de Technologie (SATT) Lutech
The University has entrusted Lutech with the management of its intellectual property (patents, software, know-how, etc.) as well as the negotiation of contracts for the transfer of its innovations. Lutech offers a portfolio of opportunities to companies and contributes the excellence of Sorbonne Université laboratories to lift certain technological barriers and facilitate their growth. Lutech supports project leaders through scientific and business maturation programmes. The shareholders of SATT Lutech are Sorbonne Université, the CNRS, the Compiègne University of Technology (UTC), the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN), the Université Panthéon-Assas, the École nationale supérieure de création industrielle (ENSCI) and the Caisse des Dépôts group.
Quadrivium Ventures
Sorbonne Université is behind Quadrivium Ventures, a company with a private equity fund of approximately €60 million. Quadrivium Ventures enables the start-up of young companies with innovative projects that are primarily derived from, or linked to, the laboratories of the Sorbonne Université ecosystem. They work together to detect, evaluate and accompany high-potential projects.
4 partner incubators
Sorbonne Université benefits from the services of incubators located in Île-de-France, Brittany, Occitania and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. It works closely with four incubators in the Paris region: Agoranov which it hosts at its premises on boulevard Raspail - Silver Innov', dedicated to the Silver economy in Ivry-sur-Seine and two incubators within laboratories, at the Institut de la Vision (Sorbonne Université/CNRS/Inserm) and the Institut du Cerveau (Sorbonne Université/CNRS/Inserm).
Consortium French Tech Seed Paris Parc
Sorbonne Université, Lutech, and Quadrivium Ventures, are part of the French Tech Seed Paris Parc consortium, which seeks to promote synergies between all stakeholders in the ecosystem in terms of innovation. To achieve this, it relies on close partners: incubators, nurseries, networks of investors, and support for business creation. It is one of the first French Tech Seed consortia to be accredited by Bpifrance. Sorbonne Université, Lutech, et Quadrivium Ventures, sont regroupés au sein du consortium French Tech Seed Paris Parc qui a pour ambition de favoriser les synergies de tous les acteurs de l’écosystème en matière d’innovation. Pour cela, il s’appuie sur des partenaires proches : incubateurs, pépinières, réseaux d’investisseurs, accompagnateurs de la création d’entreprise. Il fait partie des premiers consortium French Tech Seed labellisés par Bpifrance.
Key figures (2017)
- 2, 000 research contracts with companies
- 25 operating licenses on protected assets
- 200 invention disclosures
- €2 M in licensing revenues
- 16 start-ups created (2016 and 2017)