Student associations
Whether investing in an association or becoming involved in the democratic life of your institution, all types of involvement are possible at Sorbonne University.
This commitment enhances your career path and facilitates your professional integration.
The student life services support your associative projects. Financial and logistical support can be provided.
Student Life Services organises courses dedicated to student associations in order to support their development.
The associations :
150 student associations punctuate the life of the Sorbonne University. They are an opportunity for students to come together, to get their campus moving, to share and share their passions.
Consult the list of associations.
Consult the list of associations (in French).
Arrangements for financing your projects:
FSDIE Projects
The FSDIE projects commission chaired by the Student Vice-presidency of Sorbonne University meets 3 times a year to select, according to precise criteria, (see the FSDIE user charter, in French) the projects submitted by student associations involve at least 75% of students of which 25% are Sorbonne University students and of which at least one member of the board is registered at Sorbonne University.
Participatory budgeting for students and student associations
Organised once a year, it is open to all Sorbonne University students (in association or individually) who wish to put forward a project aimed at improving the daily life of the student community and chosen by them by electronic vote.
The winning project will be implemented by the faculties’ student life services, in collaboration with the project leader (see the rules of the participatory budget, to come).
See also "participatory contest"
The call for CVEC projects for student associations
Sorbonne University student associations (domiciled associations, labelled associations and branch associations, for example) can obtain funding by submitting a global action plan spread over one or more years, which directly participates in improving the living conditions of Sorbonne University students and the coordination of the different campuses (consult the terms and conditions of the commission; the application form; the budget sheet).
Elected students:
Elected representatives will accompany you throughout your university career and contribute to improving your daily life. They are there to facilitate your integration.
As spokespersons for the student community, they participate in the fruition of concrete projects. They are present in various bodies to influence strategic decisions in matters of student life, community life, orientation, teaching, etc.
Feel free to contact them: