Join a club or association
To coordinate and keep its alumni network alive, Sorbonne University has created Geographical Clubs around the world, Thematic Clubs and Clubs by business sector.
Animated by alumni, they regularly organise after work, for events or outings and support new alumni when they join the network.
Together, let's expand the network: join a club or create your own by contacting us!
Geographical clubs
- Club Bruxelles - Creation in progress, contact us
- Club London - To join the club, contact us / Moderator: Pierre- Clément Herbere Desmier - Master in European Affairs, 2016 Club Londres
USA - East Coast
- Club Boston - To join the club, contact us - Access the LinkedIn Group
Animators: Yannis Hara - Doctor of Physiology and Pathophysiology, 2012 / Alex Tisserand - DEA in Biochemistry, 1985
- Club New York - To join the club, contact us - Access the LinkedIn Group
Moderators: Florence Chaverneff - Master in Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2000 / Arthur Hertling - Doctor of Medicine and Master in Scandinavian Languages, 1996 / Anthony Leboissetier - Ph.D. Fluid Mechanics, 2002 / Georges Leclere Bachelor's Degree in Physics, Chemistry and Astronomy, 1967
- Club Washington - To join the club, contact us - Access the LinkedIn Group
Moderator: Nady Golestaneh - Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, 2000
USA - West Coast
- Club San Francisco - To join the club, contact us - Access the LinkedIn Group
Moderator: Arnaud Auger-Sengupta - Celsa Master in Communication, Marketing and Management and Master in Political Philosophy and Ethics, 2011
- Club Singapour - Creation in progress - To get involved in the club, contact us
- Club Shanghai - Creation in progress - To get involved in the club, contact us
Thematic clubs
- Doctors' Club - To join the club, contact us - Access the LinkedIn group
- Entrepreneurs’ club - Creation in progress - To get involved with the club, contact us
Clubs by business sector
- Art market club - Creation in progress - To get involved with the club, contact us
Let's keep in touch!
To join a Club or create your own, contact us! Email - LinkedIn page from Sorbonne University