Sports benefit the entire Sorbonne University community
Sorbonne University has a long-standing commitment to the promotion of physical activity and sport, offering its community the best possible environment.
A proactive approach
Infrastructures, time slots and curricular adjustments, the inclusion of sports activities in a qualifying course, involvement in associations, etc., despite the physical constraints of its location at the heart of the capital, Sorbonne Université has given itself the means to build a system that promotes physical and sports activities.
Nearly 80 activities, from leisure to competition
The university offers a broad range of sporting disciplines, from leisure to high-level, all of which are geared to the success, fulfillment and physical and mental well-being of all
A policy of support
This approach benefits from institutional and political recognition, through our "High-Performance Sport" department founded in 1988, and more recently through the appointment of three "Sport & Olympic Games" representatives to the Presidency.
This commitment to supporting top-level sportsmen and women is reflected in the "Passeport pour les JO" scholarships awarded to 10 of our young people by the Sorbonne University Foundation and with the support of Crédit Agricole Île-de-France.
An inclusive, unifying approach
This federating environment is conducive to encounters and interaction between the student and staff communities. It plays a key role in campus life, offering students the chance to discover and practice these activities, within the framework of valid or adapted sports.
For lifelong learning
These actions are also reflected in the educational aspect, through the training offered, particularly in ongoing education, within the framework of university and inter-university diplomas awarded by Sorbonne Université within its Faculty of Health Sciences.
On track for the Olympic Games
This commitment is reflected in the "Generation 2024" label awarded in 2018. The label recognizes Sorbonne University's commitment, within the framework of its institutional project, to encouraging practices, developing bridges between the academic and sporting worlds, and contributing to the influence of French sport at the Olympic and Paralympic Games.