Our high-level athletes
Sorbonne University has a long-standing commitment to supporting its students in high-level sports.
Sorbonne University supports high-level sports
- Lisa Barbelin, chemistry student and archer
- Nicolas Bernardi, natural science student and archer
- Thomas Chirault, engineering student at Polytech Sorbonne and archer
- Romane Dicko, mathematics student and Judoka
- Agathe Girard, life sciences student and rifle shooter
- Zohra Kehli, international relations student and fencer
- Margot Lambert, mechanical engineering student and badminton player
- Alex Lanier, hard science student and badminton player
- Camille Lutz, computer science student and ping-pong player
- Yanis Meziane, engineering at Polytech-Sorbonne and athlete
- Prithika Pavade, science and nature student and table tennis player
- Eve Planeix, psychomotricity student and synchronized swimmer
- Alice Recher, art history student and fencer
- Mélodie Richard, student in molecular and cellular biology, and archer
- Maëlys Richol, engineering science student and boxer
- Éloise Vanryssel, agro-engineering student at Polytech Sorbonne and fencing
Read about each athlete
Tous les portraitsNicolas Bernardi
Life sciences student and high-level archer
Beyond the competition, my main objective is to fully enjoy this event that only happens once in a lifetime.
Agathe Girard
Life sciences student and sniper
Finding a balance between studies and sports takes time and commitment.
Camille Lutz
Table tennis player and computer science student
I want to have as much fun as possible if I qualify for the Olympics, because I know that this is how I play my best table tennis.
Alex Lanier
Badista and student of formal sciences
My year is punctuated by training periods and tournaments around the world
Maëlys Richol
Engineering Sciences student and high-level boxer
Work and perseverance always pay off in the end.
Éloïse Vanryssel
Swordswoman and agri-food engineering student at Polytech Sorbonne
The Olympic Games have been a dream of mine since childhood.
Yanis Meziane
A specialist in the 800-meter race and Polytech Sorbonne student
The Olympics? I'm not going there just to look good, I'm aiming to qualify for the final!
Romane Dicko
Judoka and mathematics student
I won the bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics. This time, I'd like to go for gold!
Alice Recher
High-level fencer and art history student
Maintaining mental health during competition is at least as important as physical health.
Mélodie Richard
Archery champion and student of molecular and cellular biology
Becoming an Olympic champion is my lifelong dream. I've been training for years with this goal in mind.
Margot Lambert
Badminton player and computational mechanics student
It would be the Holy Grail to be rewarded for these Olympic Games on home soil.
Zohra Kehli
High-level fencer and History student
Fencing is a sport of speed. You have to know how to make the right choices and, above all, never doubt.
Thomas Chirault
Archer and engineering student at Polytech Sorbonne
The Olympics is what I train for every day.
Ève Planeix
High-level synchronized swimmer and psychomotricity student
Participating in the Games at home, in front of the French public, is the Holy Grail of a career!