maladie rares rein
  • Médecine

Common and Rare Kidney Diseases

MRSU 1155

  • Unité mixte de recherche en santé

MRSU 1155 – From Rare Kidney Diseases to Frequent Diseases, Remodelling and Repair

The main objective of our unit is to provide a comprehensive approach to the mechanisms responsible for loss of renal function and tissue repair and to develop more effective and specific treatments against progressive renal failure in order to halt the ever-increasing number of people requiring dialysis or transplantation. Our research projects primarily address clinically relevant questions. Most basic research programs aim to be translated into clinical applications, and inversely observations made at the bedside fuel novel research programs such as those devoted to rare diseases, to complications following Acute Kidney Injury, those associated to biocrystallisation/lithiasis, or those aiming to identify novel biomarkers and to provide innovative strategies for therapy. Our research goes beyond the borders of Nephrology since it addresses questions affecting several other organs and pathologies such as inflammation, fibrosis, endothelial dysfunction or abnormal cell proliferation.


Theme 1 : Genetics of inherited and acquired rare renal diseases
Coordinator : E Plaisier (PU-PH)

Tenured researchers  :

B Lelongt (DR Inserm)
H Debiec (DR Inserm emeritus)
R Piedagnel (CRCN Inserm)
L Mesanrd ( PU-PH)
P Ronco (PU-PH emeritus)


Theme 2 : Mechanisms of acute kidney injury and repair
Coordinator: J Hadchouel (DR Inserm)

Tenured researchers  :

C Chatziantoniou (DR Inserm)
C Chadjichristos (CRCN Inserm)
D Buob (PU-PH)
D Dreyfuss (PU-PH)
JC Dussaule (PU-PH)
S Gaudry (PU-PH)
A Hertig (PU-PH)
E Rondeau (PU-PH)
P Galichon (MCU-PH)


Theme 3: Renal biocrystallisation
Coordinator: E Letavernier (PU-PH)

Tenured researchers  :

D Buob (PU-PH)
JP Haymann (PU-PH)
S Vimont (MCU-PH)
M Daudon (PH)
V Frochot (PH)


Theme 4: Targets and strategies for diagnosis and therapy of chronic kidney diseases
Coordinator: C Chadjichristos, (CRCN Inserm)

Tenured researchers  :

C Chatziantoniou (DR Inserm)
J Hadchouel (DR Inserm)
H Debiec (DR Inserm emeritus)
G Perry (MCU),  JJ Boffa (PU-PH)
D Buob (PU-PH)
JC Dussaule (PU-PH)
H François (PU-PH)
L Mesnard (PU-PH)
P Ronco (PU-PH emeritus)




Autres tutelles

  • Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale | INSERM
  • Sorbonne Université

Contact details

Adresse physique

INSERM UMR S 1155 Maladies Rénales Fréquentes et Rares: des Mécanismes Moléculaires à la Médecine Personnalisée Bâtiment Recherche, Hôpital Tenon 4, rue de la Chine
75020 Paris
Hopital Tenon
Hopital Tenon