Agathe Bourgeois

Student in fundamental physics and applications at Sorbonne University and beneficiary of the Passport for the Master scholarship financed by our patron SAFRAN

The scholarship allowed me to focus on my choice based on my interests and my aspirations, rather than on my financial considerations.

Agathe Bourgeois, currently in her second year of a Master's degree in Fundamental Physics and Applications at Sorbonne University, is a beneficiary of the Passport to the Master's scholarship, funded by our patron SAFRAN. After a degree in Physics and Mechanics, her interest in physics naturally led her to a Master's degree in this specialty. Thanks to this scholarship, Agathe was able to finance part of her studies, including a university exchange in Denmark where she studied physics at the University of Copenhagen. Beyond the financial support, this scholarship offered her valuable independence, allowing her to concentrate fully on her academic path and ambitions.


1) Can you introduce yourself and tell us why you chose the Master of Fundamental Physics and Applications at Sorbonne University?

My name is Agathe Bourgeois and I am in my second year of a Master's degree in Physics at Sorbonne University. I chose this Master's degree because I had already done my Bachelor's degree at Sorbonne University and I really liked it. During my Bachelor's degree, where I studied both physics and mechanics, I discovered that physics really suited me the most and that is what naturally pushed me to continue in this direction.

I decided to stay at Sorbonne University because, first of all, it is a very well-ranked university for Master's degrees, and I already knew the institution. In addition, I had obtained the Passport scholarship during the second year of my Bachelor’s and was accepted in the Master's degree, which greatly influenced my decision. I also had friends here, so it was obvious to me to stay and continue my studies at Sorbonne University.

When I was in my third year of Bachelor's degree, I planned to do an international mobility. By talking with my teachers and my guidance counselor, I learned that it was possible to do it in the first year of the Master’s, provided that I stayed at Sorbonne University to organize the stay. So I decided to stay and spend a year at the University of Copenhagen where I studied physics. I came back this summer, and this experience was very enriching. I was able to discover different teaching methods and meet a lot of new people!

2) How does this scholarship concretely change your daily life and your future prospects?

I have been a beneficiary of this scholarship since I was in my second year of my degree, so I have gained financial independence and this is what has greatly helped me to cover my housing costs and my daily expenses throughout the year. In addition, it has allowed me to reduce the financial dependence that I had on my parents. Indeed, even if before this scholarship I has a CROUS scholarship, the amount was much lower which made financial independence more difficult, if not impossible.

This scholarship has really changed my daily life. For example, without the Passport for the Master scholarship, I would never have been able to do an exchange, especially in Denmark, where the cost of living is higher than in France. Although aid for Erasmus students exists, it generally does not fully cover the costs, which often have to be advanced, and the administrative management is complex. Without this scholarship, I would not have been able to go on an exchange, which was a real asset for me in my studies.

For the future, I know that my second year of the Master's degree will be very intense, especially the first semester. According to my discussions with my Master's supervisor, I will not have time to work alongside my studies. This scholarship will therefore help me finance my final year of studies, a period during which I will not yet be able to generate a fixed and stable income.

In addition, the Passport for the Master's scholarship influenced my choice of academic option. Without it, I would probably have opted for the Mechanical option, which offered work-study opportunities unlike the Physics option. The scholarship therefore allowed me to focus on my choice based on my profile and my aspirations, rather than on my financial considerations.

3) If you were to encourage other students to apply for this scholarship, what would you say to them?

When I applied for the Passport for the Master’s scholarship, I was part of the association "Top Aéro", which is an association specialized in aeronautics and aerospace at Sorbonne University. It was the summer between my first and second year of my Bachelor's. At that time, I had just received the email to apply for the scholarship, and the students of the association told me that it was an excellent opportunity. The selection criteria included being a scholarship holder, being interested in aeronautics and following a demanding curriculum, three aspects that perfectly matched my profile.

I thought that this scholarship could really bring me something. Even if I didn't have high expectations, I thought that doing the interview would be a chance to get advice on what I could do after my studies and to talk with the tutors to understand their expectations. So I went to the interview thinking that it could only be beneficial for me.

Today, I advise all interested students to seize this opportunity. In the academic world, it is important to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. You have nothing to lose. Personally, I was able to benefit from this scholarship in a concrete way beyond the financial aspect. For example, the tutors were a great help for my project, particularly in experimental physics in the second year of my Bachelor's. They allowed me to carry out tests on rockets in their premises, an opportunity that I would never have had without them. If a student receives the scholarship email, it is because he or she is already in the target and should really seize this chance!

4) What message would you have for Safran, which funded your scholarship, and more broadly for a company considering supporting the Passport scholarship program?

I would like to sincerely thank Safran who funds this scholarship as well as the Sorbonne University Foundation. Their support has been crucial for my academic journey. Financial aid is really important for students, and I cannot stress it enough.

The scholarship not only provided me with financial support, but I also benefited from the valuable advice of my tutors for the realization of my projects. They also invite us to some events. When I was in my undergraduate degree, I had the chance to attend one of these events at the Paris Air Show, it was a very enriching experience.

I am grateful for all the efforts made by Safran towards us and I strongly encourage companies to support this type of program because they will play a crucial role in the academic and personal development of students, an impact that is both valuable and significant. I also think that it can be interesting for companies to follow mentees and see them evolve in their career, whether they make their career in their company or not.

By Chaineze Moussaid

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