Winners of the 2020 ERC Consolidator Call
Sorbonne University congratulates its laureates of the "ERC Consolidator" call for projects.
The European Research Council (ERC) has published the list of winners of the Consolidator grants, which support numerous projects by mid-career scientists each year. Among them, Sorbonne University has six new winners this year:
Silvia Galli
CNRS Researcher at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics
(IAP - Sorbonne University/CNRS)
Project: "The New era of EUropean CMB Cosmology with the South Pole Telescope".
Kate Grieve
Researcher at the Centre hospitalier national d'ophtalmologie des Quinze Vingts (CNOV) and the Vision Institute.
(IDV- Sorbonne University/Inserm/CNRS)
Project: "Optical imaging of retinal function for gene and cell therapies".
Maria Melchior
Inserm Researcher at the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Health
(IPLESP - Sorbonne University/Inserm)
Project: "RESilience to Early Developmental Adversity: can children's environments help them overcome the odds?"
Matthew Morrow
CNRS Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu - Paris Left Bank
(IMJ-PRG - Sorbonne University/CNRS/University of Paris)
Project: "Motivic Cohomology of Schemes".
Kalliopi Petraki
Sorbonne University Professor in the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and High Energies
(LPTHE - Sorbonne University/CNRS)
Project: "Charting the multi-TeV cosmos: long-range interactions in dark matter and baryogenesis".
Claire Wyart
Inserm Researcher at the Brain Institute
(ICM - Sorbonne University/CNRS/Inserm/AP-HP)
Project: "Circuit mechanisms underlying sensory-evoked navigation".
Congratulations to these scientists!
The ERC Consolidator Grant, a European Excellence Grant
As part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, the ERC Consolidator grant aims to fund exploratory research projects on an innovative theme and a duration of 5 years for a budget of approximately 2 million euros.
Intended for researchers with 7 to 12 years of experience after their PhD, this grant supports promising scientists who wish to build or consolidate their research team.
An extremely competitive call for projects, the ERC Consolidator Grant rewards projects of excellence on ambitious and risky research topics.