Signature FRQ, université Laval et Sorbonne Université
  • International Partner

A scientific partnership with FRQ, Université Laval and Sorbonne University join forces

On October 3, the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ), Université Laval and Sorbonne University took a major step forward in international scientific collaboration by signing a joint declaration of intent. This initiative aims to create a Québec-France research chair in scientific diplomacy, a first that will strengthen ties between the two countries and promote the influence of the French-speaking scientific community on the international stage.

The creation of this research chair is part of the strategic partnership agreement signed between Université Laval and Sorbonne Université in June 2021, at a time when science diplomacy is playing an increasingly important role in international relations. By joining forces, the FRQ, Université Laval and Sorbonne University aim to develop a research and knowledge-sharing framework that meets the challenges of today's world. A joint committee will be set up to develop the programming and define the management parameters of this Chair, which will become a space for reflection and action on issues of scientific diplomacy.

This declaration of intent marks a clear desire on the part of the three partners to advance science by promoting exchanges and international cooperation. This initiative represents a unique opportunity to stimulate dialogue between researchers, political decision-makers and civil society players on both sides of the Atlantic.

An announcement on the eve of the Francophonie Summit

The signing of this intention comes at a strategic moment, on the eve of the opening of the Sommet de la Francophonie to be held in Villers-Cotterêts on October 4 and 5. This summit, which will bring together representatives of the world's French-speaking community, offers an ideal context in which to highlight the role of scientific diplomacy in international exchanges, and to strengthen links between French-speaking scientific communities.

Sorbonne University has made science diplomacy one of its political priorities, as the academic world has a major stake in influencing public debate. With our strategic partner Université Laval and the FRQ, we now intend to structure our actions in terms of scientific diplomacy on an international scale, with a strong focus on multilingualism.


Sorbonne University has made science diplomacy one of its political priorities, as the academic world has a major stake in influencing public debate. With our strategic partner Université Laval and the FRQ, we now intend to structure our actions in terms of scientific diplomacy on an international scale, with a strong focus on multilingualism.

Nathalie Drach-Temam, president of Sorbonne University

The mission of the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) is to support the strategic and coherent development of scientific research in Quebec in the fields of natural sciences and engineering, health sciences, social sciences and humanities, arts and humanities.