• International Partner

Franco-Indian Campus for Health: Apply now for international exchange opportunities

Calling master's students and PhD candidates! Applications are open for an array of international mobility projects between Sorbonne University and the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

The Franco-Indian Campus aims to develop a long-term and inclusive partnership dedicated to the creation of a cross-disciplinary campus that fosters a collective contribution to the societal and medical challenges that our populations will face in the years and decades to come.

Sorbonne University and the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) offer joint exchange programs open to master's students and doctoral candidates.

Practical information

Nature of activities: Internships, research stays and/or teaching offered to master's and doctoral students registered at Sorbonne University or IIT Delhi depending on the candidate's project and the possibilities offered by the host laboratory.

Duration: From three months minimum to six months maximum (duration to be defined with the host laboratory), to take place during the second semester of the 2024-2025 academic year (January to July 2025).

Eligible subjects:

  • Humanities and Health, with a focus on biomedical humanities and concepts of social epidemiology and cognition, as well as the study of social health inequalities, mental health and gender bias.
  • Structural Biology and Modeling, encompassing the fields of cryoEM, NMR, computational biology, molecular docking and virtual screening, aiming at significant advances in the structural understanding of biological elements.
  • Cancer Biology, Therapeutics and Personalized Medicine, a priority reinforced by the development of the IITD Jhajjar campus, focusing efforts on cancer-related research
  • Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell Biology and Biotechnology
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases and Cognitive Disorders
  • Biomedical Engineering, Imaging and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Treatment and Diagnostic Processes.


In support of the implementation of their mobility project, Sorbonne University students and young researchers will benefit from financial assistance covering the following costs:

  • International transport, up to €1,000. 
  • Living expenses for the entire duration of the mobility, up to €500 per month.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Have completed the administrative formalities and registration fees relating to registration for a master's degree (M1 or M2) or a doctorate (starting from first year) at Sorbonne University.
  • Have a sufficient level of English (minimum level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​.)

What to include in your application:

  • Cover letter explaining the candidate's interest in the program and their academic and professional objectives (maximum 1 page, font 12.)
  • CV highlighting relevant academic and professional experience (Europass format preferred.)
  • Transcripts of the last four semesters for master's students and of the master's degree for doctoral students.
  • Work plan (mandatory for doctoral students): summary description of the research subject and the activities planned during the mobility.
  • Invitation letter from the host laboratory (candidates must contact one of the laboratories listed in the appendix in order to obtain a hosting commitment.) 
  • Letter of recommendation from an academic supervisor and/or any other person deemed relevant to the application file (optional.)
  • For doctoral candidates, agreement from the laboratory and the candidate's original thesis director.

Stages of the selection process:

  1. Submission of projects on the dedicated platform with all mandatory documents.
  2. Validation of the completeness of the files by the institutions. Incomplete files will be considered ineligible.
  3. Evaluation of the applications by a committee comprising representatives of SU and IITD. The committee will take into account the academic quality of the application, the motivation of the application and its adequacy with the offer.

Important dates

  • Launch of the call: September 19, 2024.
  • Deadline for submission: October 13, 2024.
  • Announcement of results: from October 21, 2024.
  • Departure for IITD: from January 2025.