FAQ on the Situation in Ukraine
At this difficult time, the university expresses its solidarity and readiness to assist the students and staff of Sorbonne University who are affected by this conflict, including through the emergency assistance, listening and psychological support services offered by our institution. In connection with its community initiatives and in consultation with its partners, the university is gradually putting in place other measures related to international cooperation and solidarity, which will be regularly updated on this page.
Assistance for Sorbonne University students and staff
For the student community
1.) Financial aid (FSDIE social)
- Apply on the Student Life and Association Assistance Platform
- Allocation by the FSDIE social committee (next dates: April 19, May 24, June 28. Consult the schedule for submitting applications on the platform)
2.) Extreme emergency assistance (if you're waiting for financial aid via FSDIE social)
Extreme emergency assistance may be granted, and is paid within 24 hours. Students must contact the student life service of their faculty:
- Humanities: 01 40 46 25 87 - Email
- Medicine: 01 44 27 93 12 - Email
- Sciences and Engineering - Email
For staff
Social support and financial assistance can be granted after evaluation of the situation (all aspects combined, including employment contracts with the university.)
Contact: by email or at 01 44 27 58 10
For the student community
Medical consultations
The University Service of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion of Sorbonne University (SUMPPS) is open from 9am to 6:30pm. It offers all students medical and psychological consultations as well as wellbeing workshops.
For all medical consultations, gynecology and reflexology in person, please make an appointment on the SUMPPS website or by phone at 01 40 51 10 00.
Students can consult a psychologist at SUMPPS - 15 rue de l'École de Médecine, staircase G, 3rd floor, 75006 Paris:
- By appointment, Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm
- Without prior appointment, Monday to Thursday from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
- Fridays without an appointment from 1pm to 4pm
2/ Walk-in appointments with psychologists by campus:
- Clignancourt campus, 2 rue Francis de Croisset, 75018 Paris, at the Health office: Thursdays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
- Malesherbes Campus, 185 bd Malesherbes, 75008 Paris, at the "Aquarium", cultural service: Mondays from 1:00 to 4:00 pm
- Pierre and Marie Curie Campus, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, at the RHSE - Patio 22/33: Tuesdays from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Thursday from 2:00 to 5:00 pm and Fridays from 9:00 to 12:00 am
- Pitié Salpetrière campus, 91 bd de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris, at office 27 of the student life service: Tuesday from 1 to 4 pm
- Campus Saint Antoine, 26 rue de Chaligny, 75012 Paris, office 003, first floor: Tuesdays from 9am to 12pm
Assas Center: Medical office in the Notre-Dame-des-Champs building of the Assas Center, on the first floor, next to the sports department. Mondays from 1 to 4 pm and Wednesdays from 1:30 to 4:30 pm.
Vaugirard Center 1: Office 10 on the 1st floor, Tuesdays from 9am to 12pm.
Wellbeing workshops
Sophrology, mindfulness and meditation, bioenergetics, stress management, etc.
Make an appointment for our wellness workshops by using the dedicated form on the SUMPPS website.
For staff
The on-campus doctor and their multidisciplinary team (nurse and psychologist) are at your disposal. Contact by email or at 01 44 27 39 33.
Nightline Paris (SUMPPS partner) is a free evening listening service for students.
- By phone at 01 88 32 12 32 and via online chat.
- Every day from 9pm to 2:30am, in French and English.
Visit the Nightline Paris website.
Listening service for doctoral candidates
Our doctoral schools and the doctoral college are at your disposal; you can contact the latter by email.
- Monday April 4, 9am to 12pm, Campus Malesherbes, student life area.
- Tuesday April 5, 10am to 11:30am, Pierre et Marie Curie Campus, student life area.
- Monday May 9, 9am to 12pm, Campus Champollion
- To receive social assistance: consult the CROUS website.
- National emergency assistance number for students in serious social or financial difficulty: 0806 000 278.
- For all general questions (scholarships, housing, CVEC, excluding social services), students can contact the Paris CROUS at 01 40 51 62 00, or ask their question via the contact form on the government's student services website.
- The City of Paris has set up a reception dedicated to young Ukrainians at the Quartier Jeunes (QJ), open 6 days a week from 10 am to 6 pm, at the former city hall of the 1st arrondissement, 4 place du Louvre, 75001 Paris. The QJ offers a range of services to help Ukrainian students: telephones with the possibility of calls outside the EU, internet connection and computer loans, psychological support (in English and French), access to rights, individual assistance in Ukrainian, food distribution every Thursday...
- Discover other types of assistance offered to students by the Maison des initiatives étudiantes (MIE).
Scientific cooperative actions, hosting and international solidarity
In accordance with the sanctions pronounced by the European Council, under the French presidency, and relayed by the government's official declaration on March 1st, "the various cooperations between the European Union and Russia, in industrial, scientific and cultural fields, are suspended." Following the logic of these provisions, Sorbonne University suspends its cooperation with Russia.
This measure concerns all institutional cooperation, training exchange and double-diploma agreements, international missions, joint projects and seminars.
Interpersonal relationships among academics, consistent with the values reiterated in the university's communications related to this crisis, are maintained.
The directors of units proposing to welcome Ukrainian colleagues in exile into their laboratories can do so via the national PAUSE program. A special appeal for emergency assistance is open for a 3-month intake. Requests should be sent to Ukraine-programme-PAUSE@sorbonne-universite.fr, with:
- A CV of the proposed host researcher
- A copy of the passport or, failing that, the identity card of the researcher, as well as of the members of his/her family who are accompanying him/her, if applicable
- The contact details of the host researcher at Sorbonne University
The institution, which co-finances this hosting, provides the selected candidates with a letter of commitment.
Ukrainian and Russian nationals who are members of the Sorbonne University community are all welcome at our institution, free of any form of discrimination or intimidation. Faithful to its values of peace, openness of knowledge and academic freedom, the entire Sorbonne University community stands in solidarity during this difficult time.
Created by France's interministerial delegation for the reception and integration of refugees, alongside Réfugiés.info, and in connection with the Ministries of the Interior and Housing, the platform "Je m'engage pour l'Ukraine" offers reliable information on the different ways to take action with the help of established associations, everywhere in France. It presents opportunities to provide accommodation, collection of materials and donations, interpretation, recruitment of volunteers, and more. The platform is open to all those who wish to help.
How to apply to Sorbonne University
Sorbonne University is mobilizing to welcome students from Ukraine, whose university education has been suspended due to the war. To submit an application in Humanities, Sciences and Engineering:
o Download the EXIL application form.
o Complete it and send it back :
In Humanities to lettres-etudiants-ukraine@sorbonne-universite.fr
In Science and Engineering: sciences.dfipve@sorbonne-universite.fr
o As soon as the application is received, a confirmation message is sent.
Instead of downloading the form, send your application via the specific ministerial platform: https://campusfrance.smapply.io/prog/ukraine_emergency
Do you know members of the Sorbonne University community who are currently in Russia?
French nationals, researchers and students still present in the Russian Federation are strongly invited to leave the territory, either by plane via the airlines still authorized, or by land. A non-exhaustive list of transportation solutions is available on the website of the French Embassy in Moscow.
The French Embassy in Russia has opened a dedicated line (+7 495 937 14 91) to answer the most urgent concerns of French citizens in Russia.
Registering on the Ariadne thread allows you to receive information from the French Embassy and to access a help number.
Many foreign bank cards no longer work in Russia. In case of financial difficulties, you can contact the French Embassy.
Travel to Ukraine, Belarus and Russia is strongly discouraged until further notice. For more information and complete contact details of consular authorities, please consult the France Diplomatie website.
Sorbonne University no longer has any students or staff in Ukraine or Belarus.
Further initiatives supported by Sorbonne University
- The European alliance of universities 4EU+, of which Sorbonne University is a member, expresses its solidarity with Ukraine.
- The Science for Ukraine initiative.
- The appeal of 664 Russian scientists published in Le Monde: "We demand the immediate cessation of all acts of war directed against Ukraine.
- French universities denounce the false information of the Russian media - Press release of France Universités.
- The PAUSE program (Program for Assistance to Scientists in Emergency Situations). The PAUSE program protects and welcomes scientists and artists who can no longer pursue their activities in their country of origin. It encourages them to stay for long enough periods of time to allow them to integrate, continue their work and provide shelter for their families.
- Message from the President of Sorbonne University from March 1st.