Dispute resolution
In the event of a dispute or disagreement, the parties (doctoral candidate, supervisor) are encouraged to contact the director of the doctoral school as soon as possible. The doctoral candidate and the supervisor may be heard in a confidential individual interview. The role of the director of the doctoral school (or anyone they mandate for this purpose) is to encourage peaceful discussion and to seek an appropriate solution acceptable to both parties.
The doctoral candidate or the director may also convene the Sorbonne University mediator. With their agreement, the mediator will bring the two parties together with the aim of restoring peaceful dialogue between them.
Contact: Médiateur de Sorbonne Université - Campus des Cordeliers - Escalier D, 2e étage
If the dispute is not resolved, one of the parties refers the matter to the Dispute Prevention Commission of the Sorbonne University Doctoral College. This commission, which listens to the points of view of each party, makes recommendations and advisory opinions to the President of the University who decides on the action to be taken.
The Commission for Dispute Prevention and Resolution (CPRC) may be consulted on all matters relating to doctoral courses and the environment in which the doctorate is prepared.
Composition of the Dispute Prevention and Resolution Commission (CPRC)
The CPRC is made up of representatives of doctoral candidates (DOC college), thesis directors (HDR college) and directors of doctoral schools (DIR college). It is composed of two ex-officio members—the director of the Doctoral College and a member of the Doctoral College with an advisory vote, eight members appointed by the director of the Doctoral College, including two directors of doctoral schools, two staff members authorised to direct research (HDR) and four doctoral candidates. Alternates are also appointed. Each member of the CPRC is appointed for a term of two years.
Functioning of the Commission
The CPRC's main role is to impartially investigate and arbitrate the cases referred to it, taking into consideration the documents and points of view of each of the parties: doctoral candidate, thesis director, unit director or director of a doctoral school. At the request of the parties or at its own initiative, the CPRC hears the parties concerned depending on the circumstances of the situation. Each party may be accompanied by a person of their choice during this hearing (having informed the CPRC beforehand). All information disclosed to the Commission is strictly confidential.
Procedures for referral to the Commission
The Dispute Prevention and Resolution Commission may be consulted by any doctoral candidate, in particular doctoral candidates, thesis directors and directors of doctoral schools. Before referring the matter to the Commission, other avenues of mediation will normally have been attempted without a satisfactory outcome being reached.
Harassment and discrimination
Sorbonne University is committed to ensuring gender equality and respect for diversity. It has set up the Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination missions.
In addition, it has entrusted the Institute for Reproductive Health/Women’s Safety with the reception, counselling and support of victims and witnesses of sexual and gender-based violence within its university community, whether the victims are staff, candidates or PhD students.
If a candidate feels that they are a victim or witness of discrimination or harassment, contact the Gender Equality and Fight against discrimination missions, which will help find psychological and legal support.