Laboratoire de physique et d’étude des matériaux | LPEM
Unité mixte de recherche
- Synthesis and imaging of inorganic nanoprobes
- Theory of strongly correlated materials
- QuantumSpecs
- Physics and applications of superconducting and magnetic elements group (PHASME)
- Conductivité optique
- Instrumentation
- Elemag
- Parisian quantum dots
- Quantum matter group
- Micro & nano characterization Group (MNC)
Dimitri Roditchev
Sophie Demonchaux
+33 1 40 79 45 94
Thomas Pons
+33 1 40 79 45 95
Francis Cassagne
+33 1 40 79 44 48
Autres tutelles
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique | CNRS
- Sorbonne Université

Publications sur HAL - Archive ouverte
Toutes les publications sur HALAll-Josephson junction logic cells and bio-inspired neuron based on 0−0−π junction inductorless blocks
Anastasia A Maksimovskaya, Vsevolod I Ruzhickiy, Nikolay V Klenov, Andrey E Schegolev, Sergey V Bakurskiy, Igor I Soloviev, Dmitry S Yakovlev
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2025, 193, ⟨10.1016/j.chaos.2025.116074⟩. ⟨hal-04952555⟩
High Kinetic Inductance in Platinum‐Coated Aluminum Nanobridge Interferometers
Ivan A Nazhestkin, Sergey V Bakurskiy, Alex A Neilo, Irina E Tarasova, Nidzhat G Ismailov, Vladimir L Gurtovoi, Sergey V Egorov, Sergey A Lisitsyn, Vasily S Stolyarov, Vladimir N Antonov, Valery V Ryazanov, Mikhail Y Kupriyanov, Igor I Soloviev, Nikolay V Klenov, Dmitry S Yakovlev
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2025, ⟨10.1002/adem.202402385⟩. ⟨hal-04952560⟩
Enhancing the Infrared Emission from Silver Chalcogenide Quantum Dots through Microcavity Coupling
Lina Makke, Erwan Bossavit, Dario Mastrippolito, Andrei Shcherbakov, Mariarosa Cavallo, Huichen Zhang, Tommaso Gemo, Albin Colle, Adrien Khalili, Muchuan Hua, Xavier Lafosse, Xiang Zhen Xu, Mathieu Silly, Debora Pierucci, Emmanuel Lhuillier, Benjamin Diroll, Aloyse Degiron, Sandrine Ithurria
Advanced Optical Materials, 2025, ⟨10.1002/adom.202402747⟩. ⟨hal-04894981⟩
Three-dimensional Meta-atoms for High Confinement of Mid-IR Radiation
Francesco Pisani, Usama Iqbal, Laure Tailpied, Baptiste Fix, Isabelle Sagnes, Yanko Todorov
2025. ⟨hal-04973484⟩
Contact details
Adresse postale
+33 1 40 79 45 94
École Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles
10 Rue Vauquelin, Bat. C
75231 PARIS CEDEX 05