Preventing sexual and gender-based violence
Sorbonne University has set up a plan to prevent and deal with sexual and gender-based violence for all members of its community: staff and students.
Recognizing situations of sexist, sexual or discriminatory violence
What forms can this violence take?
- Whistling, insistent looks, photos taken without your knowledge
- Intrusive questions and confidences about your private life
- Sexual comments and acts, sexual propositions, sexual blackmail
- Remarks about your appearance or clothing that make you feel uncomfortable, mockery, sexist jokes
In what context can these acts take place?
- During classes, in a room or lecture hall (classes, seminars, practical work, exams)
- On the sites and collective spaces (corridors, cafeteria, library, canteen, toilets, garden)
- In the offices of a teacher, researcher, doctoral students, administrative or technical staff, in a laboratory
- In the university's sports halls and fields
- On the way to and from the university
- On the site of an internship
- By internet, by mail or on social networks
- During parties or integration days
- During university trips, missions
- At home (whether or not it is a student residence, at a teacher's home)
What should you do if you are a victim or witness?
The external listening unit
The University has set up an external support unit for sexual and gender-based violence (Institute of Reproductive Health): this unit is free and anonymous and provides medical, psychological and legal support. It is open to all Sorbonne University staff and to the student community.
Information and orientation
The Equality Group at the University and faculty level as well as the managers of your service, your department or your doctoral school can also inform and guide you.
In order to put a stop to such acts and to encourage other victims to come forward, it is important to report acts of sexual or sexist violence that are subject to punishment.
Personnel are available to guide and accompany you in your efforts.

Information et orientation
The Equality Group at the University and faculty level as well as the management of your service, your department or your doctoral school can also inform you and guide you.
In order to put a stop to such acts and to encourage other victims to come forward, it is important to report acts of sexual or sexist violence that are likely to be punished.
Resource personnel can guide you and accompany you in your efforts.
Contacts and resources
For complete support (medical, psychological and legal)
- The outsourced listening and support unit for victims or witnesses: Institute of Reproductive Health - women safe.
Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5:30pm.
Email (response within 24 to 48 hours) / Tel. 07 88 15 12 92 (line reserved for universities) or 01 39 10 85 35 (ISG switchboard).
9 rue Armagis 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
For medical and psychological support
- Le SUMPPS (Preventive medicine and health promotion service for students)
Monday to Friday, 9am to 6:30pm.
Email - Tel. 01 40 51 10 00 - See the locations on the SUMPPS website.
For material support and help with schooling
- The Student Life Department (DVE) of the Faculty of Arts
Email - Tel. 01 40 46 33 59
Îlot Champollion - 18 rue de la Sorbonne, 75005 Paris
- Student and Campus Life Service of the Faculty of Medicine
Email - Phone : 01 44 27 93 12
Hall des amphithéâtres, 91 bd de l'hôpital 75013 Paris
- Direction de la Vie Étudiante (DVE) of the Faculty of Science and Engineering
Email - Tel. 01 44 27 60 60
Pierre et Marie Curie Campus, Student Life Space - Patio 23/34
For information and guidance
For a complete support (medical, psychological and legal)
- The externalized listening and support unit for victims or witnesses: Institute of Reproductive Health - women safe.
Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5:30pm.
Email (response within 24 to 48 hours) / Tel. 07 88 15 12 92 (line reserved for universities) or 01 39 10 85 35 (ISG switchboard).
9 rue Armagis 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye
To make a report and get personalized help
For medical and psychological support
- La médecine de prévention (y compris psychologue du travail)
Du lundi au vendredi de 8h30 à 17h30
Courriel - Tél. 01 44 27 76 20
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie - Barre 55-56, niveau Jussieu
For material support
The social service for staff
Email - Phone: 01 44 27 39 49 or 01 44 27 53 48
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie - Bar 42/43, 1st floor.
For information and guidance
- Sorbonne University's gender equality mission - Email
- The equality and anti-discrimination mission of your faculty
Faculty of Arts and Humanities: email
Faculty of Medicine: email
Faculty of Science and Engineering: email
For legal assistance
To report domestic, sexual or gender-based violence
- On the police reporting platform, you can talk to police officers or gendarmes specially trained in gender-based violence who can initiate interventions. Anonymous and free of charge, this chat is available 24/7.
In case of emergency
- Call 17
- File a complaint, in French,with the police, the gendarmerie or the public prosecutor.
Sanctions and legal aspects
Disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against any person working at Sorbonne University as a student or staff member.
For the student or teaching communities, the Dean, who can be alerted by any means, informs the President who initiates the disciplinary proceedings by referring the case to the competent disciplinary section. To investigate the case, the section sets up an investigation committee. After an adversarial procedure, it pronounces a disciplinary sanction, if necessary. The implementation of the disciplinary procedure may be accompanied by precautionary measures, such as a suspension, intended in particular to distance the victim from the alleged aggressor.
For the administrative and technical communities, the president of the university refers the matter to the Rectorate or the Ministry, depending on the field and category of the agent, in order to convene the disciplinary council responsible for deciding on the level of sanctions. The president implements the sanction.
The criminal procedure allows the case to be brought before a court, which will decide on the responsibility of the perpetrator, his or her possible conviction and the granting of compensation to the victim.
In order to initiate the criminal process, the victim files a complaint with the police or the gendarmerie. The complaint is followed by an investigation and then a decision by the Prosecutor, who may decide, in light of the investigation, to refer the case to the criminal courts, to open a judicial investigation or to dismiss the complaint. Bringing serious cases, such as sexual and gender-based violence, to justice allows for their recognition, protection and protection of other possible victims.