Disability Services
The university has been committed for several years to a policy of recruitment, support and retention of staff with disabilities.
A multi-year plan for the insertion and retention of people with disabilities came into effect on September 1, 2016 for 3 years and is renewable. It includes an agreement with the fund for the integration of disabled people in the civil service (FIPHFP) and thus becomes the first French university to have signed such an agreement.
This agreement led to the creation of a Disability Services Group, headed by Eric Lalanne, who was appointed head of the group. The group implements the disability policy defined by the plan and voted by the Board of Directors, under the coordination of Virginie Mansuy, disability advisor to the President.
It federates the activities of the Deputy Director General of Social Relations, the HR Directors in the faculties, the preventive medicine service and the social service for personnel and, more broadly, other departments (purchasing, budget and finance, logistics and campus, real estate).
The group's objectives are to promote the recruitment, integration, job retention and support for staff with disabilities, and to provide information and communication to staff and structures. Finally, in terms of purchasing, the use of the adapted and protected sector will be developed.
Who may be interested?
Newly recruited employees whose disability may require the implementation of special support measures and workstation adjustments as soon as they are assigned, to enable them to carry out the functions for which they have been recruited.
People who have suffered an accident or illness, or whose state of health has changed unfavorably since their assignment, and therefore encounter difficulties in their professional activity.
People wishing to be accompanied in their efforts to declare a disability.
The support for each agent is implemented across all relevant departments, in consultation with the preventive medicine service, the social services for the personnel, the general management of the deputy social relations services and the HR Directors of the faculties, in respect of the medical and professional secrecy.
Why declare your disability?
Declaring your disability allows you to benefit from the support necessary to carry out your activities and to claim compensation measures (on prescription from the prevention doctor), such as:
Adaptation of the workstation
Provision of adapted transport
Part-time work as a right
Priority for transfers and training
Consideration of the disability in the retirement file (under certain conditions)
Bonus for vacation vouchers
Vacation assistance (€100 per year and per employee)
Download the brochure (in French) Travailler et faire reconnaitre votre handicap
More about ROTH (in French) Dispositions particulières à destination des agents en situation de handicap (RQTH)