Master in Cognitive Science
Cog-SUP is an interdisciplinary master’s program in English between two major Parisian universities, Sorbonne Université and Université Paris Cité.
We offer a very broad interdisciplinary openness and a fundamentally collaborative spirit, bringing together professors, researchers and students from very different backgrounds, united by common research questions. The big majority of courses are in English (except otherwise stated).
Applications are opened: https://cog-sup.fr/application/
Application deadline: 1 March 2025
Cognitive sciences have emerged from the convergence of several disciplines around a common question: what mechanisms underlie the emergence of major mental functions such as perception, attention, memory, learning, reasoning, emotions, motor skills, language, communication, consciousness, etc.?
To address these questions, cognitive sciences integrate different levels of explanation by simultaneously studying the formal and algorithmic properties of these mental functions, the psychological mechanisms that underlie them, and the biological mechanisms that make them possible (from genes to circuits and areas in the nervous system), which can be compared with simulations of these functions in artificial systems.
Cognitive sciences also seek to understand the cognitive similarities and differences between humans and other animal species, the influence of cultural variations on human cognition, the development of cognitive functions in infants or young children, and their impairment in certain neurological, psychiatric, or developmental pathologies.
Cognitive sciences make use of theories, concepts, tools, and methods from diverse disciplines such as experimental psychology, ethology, neuroscience, humanities and social sciences, anthropology, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science. One central hypothesis in cognitive sciences is that mental functions can be described as information processing processes. This hypothesis allows deploying the theoretical arsenal of disciplines like mathematics, computer science, and statistical physics, as well as methods such as statistical learning (machine learning), Bayesian inference, or deep learning, to develop explicit and testable theories of these mental functions.
Formalized in the 1950s, cognitive sciences have experienced a spectacular development that now positions them as a central player in understanding who we are, from the scale of neurons to the scale of society.
To maintain a well-balanced and foundationally sound interdisciplinary education, Cog-SUP is organized into six tracks:
– Psychology
– Philosophy
– Computational linguistics
– Neuroscience
– Computational neuroscience and artificial intelligence
– Cognitive science and society
These tracks ensure the acquisition of genuine expertise in the concepts, methods, and techniques specific to each discipline, enhancing the clarity of skills associated with the diploma. The program establishes a common cultural foundation from the first year (M1) through a core curriculum and introductory courses to the different disciplines. In the second year (M2), the majority of courses are fully interdisciplinary and open to students from all tracks. Our goal is to cultivate cognitivists equipped with both robust disciplinary expertise and a broad interdisciplinary culture, essential elements for fostering meaningful collaboration across disciplines.
In all tracks, a field placement (lab or other) is compulsory already during the M1 year. Half of M2 validation is based on a long internship that takes up the entire second semester. Internships can take place in any laboratory of your choice, whatever its affiliation. The only prerequisites are that the internship be relevant to cognitive science themes, and that the host laboratory be a reliable partner. The same applies to internships in the private sector or in government agencies.
cog-SUP is primarily a research-oriented program that prepares students for entry into a Ph.D. program but also provides numerous other career opportunities. Its high teaching standards and integration into international research enable students to be well-equipped for future positions in academic or industrial research, whether in the public or private sector, and across a wide range of institutions and companies.
cog-SUP also opens doors to other burgeoning career paths. Cognitive science skills are increasingly sought after in such diverse fields as artificial intelligence or public policies.
Master program directors
Mehdi KHAMASSI – CNRS / Sorbonne Université
Laura DUGUÉ – Université Paris Cité
Administrative team
- Ibrahima MBODJI – Sorbonne Université
Service générale de la formation initiale
Tour 14-24, 3e étage
4 place Jussieu
75005 Paris
- Mariam CAMARA – Université Paris Cité
Service de la scolarité, Rez de chaussée
45 rue des Saints-Pères
75006 Paris