  • Médecine


CRG 23

  • Clinical Research Groups


The NEURO-MACHINE INTERFACE program is a clinical research platform bringing together all the multidisciplinary expertise of Sorbonne University in Neuro-Machine-Interface. This program creates a common dynamic, to decompartmentalize current therapeutic strategies, and to improve our medical and scientific collaborations. The aim is to design, evaluate and integrate new technologies and to develop innovative therapeutic strategies for improving neural functions. This program brings together 44 scientific projects and more than 60 neuroscience clinicians, neurobiologists, engineers, and researchers in the social sciences and humanities.


Carpentier Alexandre MD PhD, neurosurgeon
Karachi Carine MD PhD, neurosurgeon
Kalamarides Michel MD PhD, neurosurgeon
Vidailhet Marie MD PhD, neurologist
Roze Emmanuel MD PhD, neurologist
Lubetzki Catherine MD PhD, neurologist
Naccache Lionnel MD PhD, Cognitive electro physiologist and neurologist
Navarro Vincent MD PhD, Epilepsy neurologist
Dubois Bruno MD PhD, Alzheimer neurologist
Idbaih Ahmed MD PhD, neuro oncologist
Fossati Philippe MD PhD, psychiatrist
Mosnier Isabelle MD PhD, ENT surgeon
Sahel José MD PhD, Ophthalmologist
Similowski Thomas MD PhD, pneumologist
Assouad Jalal MD PhD, Thoracic surgeon
Lehericy Stephane MD PhD, neuro radiologist


  • Pr Alexandre CARPENTIER

General secretary

  • Pr Vincent NAVARRO

Contact details

Adresse physique

Site Pitié-Salpêtrière Bâtiment BABINSKI 47/83 boulevard de l’Hôpital
75013 Paris