CRG 24
Clinical Research Groups
The HaMCRe CRG focuses on the disability-related consequences of cognitive and/or motor deficiencies associated with acquired cerebral pathology (stroke, traumatic brain injury, etc.) in children and adults.
Three interconnected axes are being developed:
- Development of diagnostic tools in terms of activity limitation and restriction of participation in social life.
- Assessment of long-term outcome after acquired brain injury.
- Development of new therapeutic, re-education and rehabilitation strategies.
The HaMCRe CRG brings together teacher-researchers, hospital practitioners, psychologists and paramedical professionals (speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses), and is based on complementary multi-professional medical and paramedical research. It promotes the development of university-based clinical research in re-education and rehabilitation by paramedics.
Diagnostic tools for the impact of disorders in terms of activity limitation and restriction of participation in social life.
- Executive functions in an ecological cooking situation (Cooking Task, EF2E)
- Clinical and instrumental assessment of oculomotor and oculovestibular functions after moderate to severe head trauma, in children and adults,
- Numbers in everyday life (BENQ)
- Social cognition and prosody in right hemispheric stroke
Questionnaires assessing :
- Executive functions in cerebro-injured children and adolescents (BRIEF)
- Anger and aggression following acquired cerebellar injury
Autonomy Profile for Adult Cerebral Palsies for handicapped departement houses
Assessing the long-term fate of people after acquired brain injury
- Follow-up of adult traumatic brain injury patients, Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospitals neurotraumatology and PRM cohort, and PariS TBI adult severe traumatic brain injury cohort.
- Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) cohort; outcome at 2 and 8 years, adult child relay.
- Assessment of the relevance of care and support pathways and organization
Prevalence of head trauma in the prison population Fleury TBI Cohort; identification of causal factors, medical and environmental covariates
Development of new therapeutic strategies for re-education and rehabilitation
Development and evaluation of innovative training-based cognitive rehabilitation techniques
Metacognitive rehabilitation of executive functions (Goal Management Training, CO-OP)
Interactive computerized rehabilitation aids and connected tools for
- Development of cognitive rehabilitation tools in Serious Games
- Anomia in adult aphasics
- Neurovisual disorders
- Compensation (watch, cooking)
Development of new non-invasive neurostimulation therapies for visuo-spatial disorders
- Reduction of post-stroke neglect with rTMS
- Reduction of visual field disorders with tACS
Teams of the CRG
Éleonore Bayen, MCU PH, MD, PhD, service MPR, HxU Pitié Salpêtrière
Eric Durand, MD, PhD
Philippe Thoumie, PUPH, MD, PhD, HDR service MPR, HU Rothschild
Marianne Boursier, Physiotherapist ; service MPR, HxU Pitié Salpêtrière
Ariane Bozon, Physiotherapist service MPR, HxU Pitié Salpêtrière
Pascale Bruguière, psychologist PhD service MPR, HxU Pitié Salpêtrière
Claire Kemlin, Physiotherapist, PhD, service MPR, HxU Pitié Salpêtrière
Hélène Lebrault, Occupational therapist, Hôpitaux Paris Est Val de Marne
Christine Picq, psychologist service MPR, HxU Pitié Salpêtrière
Alexia Potet, MD Praticien attaché service MPR, HxU Pitié Salpêtrière
Marie Villain, speech therapists PhD service MPR, HxU Pitié Salpêtrière
Associate members
Bertrand Pichon, Agata Krasny-Pacini ,Blaise Bignami, Clara Debarle, Hélène Robert, Valentin Coindreau MD
Lise Pronesti-Philppeau Sandrine Lefebvre, senior health managers
Caillebot Murielle, Sabine Renard, senior health managers
Christine Adès, Flora Benvegnu, Charlotte Dehollain, Anaïs Migeot, Blandine Pesci, Cécile Prévost, Clotilde Ranchoux, speech therapists
Degand Elsa, Dessagne Cécile, Jeanne Morgane : Occupational therapists
Icard Camille, Physiotherapist
Hugo Câmara-Costa, PhD, Post doctorate
Georges Dellatolas, MD PhD
Sofia Gueorgevia : psychologist
Ana Kaglik, PhD Linguist
Julie Lebahar, psychologist, Hôpitaux Paris Est Val de Marne
Brigitte Darmon, medical assistant
We would like to thank Rose Katz, MD, PhD, HDR, DR emeritus MPR service, HxU Pitié-Salpêtrière, who was our guide in creating the HaMCRe CRG.
Eléonore Bayen
Dr Mathilde Chevignard MD, PhD, HDR, PH, Hôpitaux Paris Est Val de Marne, specialist in childhood disability after acquired brain injury
Agnès Weill-Chounlamountry Speech therapist, in the PRM department of the Pitié-Salpêtrière Charles Foix University Hospitals
Contact details
Adresse physique
75013 PARIS