Corneal Transplantation and Innovative Therapies (TTIC)
CRG 32
Clinical Research Groups
Severe corneal disorders are among the leading causes of blindness worldwide.
The objective of the Clinical Research Group (GRC) 32 is to develop innovative approaches for treating blinding corneal disorders through prospective clinical trials and long-term longitudinal follow-up of large cohorts of patients. These innovative treatments include transplantation, cell therapy, regenerative therapies for corneal innervation and innovative treatments for keratoconus.
The GRC 32 brings together ophthalmologists and orthoptists ensuring the diagnosis and therapeutic management of patients and biologists and physicists ensuring the preclinical development of therapeutics and innovative imaging technologies.

Nacim Bouheraoua
Juliette Knoeri
Jouve Léa
Cyrille Temstet
Cristina Georgeon
Isabelle Goemaere
Marie Borderie
Roxane Cuyaubère
Djida Ghoubay
Kristina Irsch,
Aida Bouharrour
Vincent Borderie
Contact details
Adresse physique
75012 Paris