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Nous avons trouvé 229 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Actualité

Sorbonne University and UNAM Strengthen Their Strategic Partnership

… visited Sorbonne University's Pierre and Marie Curie Campus last week on May 23rd, 2022. Notably, he met with … visited Sorbonne University's Pierre and Marie Curie Campus last week on May 23rd, 2022. Notably, he met with …

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Academic and language requirements

… enroll in our French classes. These courses take place on campus and are appropriate to student schedules. French … enroll in our French classes. These courses take place on campus and are appropriate to student schedules. French …

  • Actualité

Sorbonne University Launches its Alumni Network

… partners throughout the world. You have studied on our campuses, and know how committed our academic and research … partners throughout the world. You have studied on our campuses, and know how committed our academic and research …

  • Article

Community life

… links between speech therapy students and coordinating campus activities. The association also implements … Our goals? - Supporting students in their training ; - Campus activities and the development of student life on Parisian university campuses ; - Defending students and their rights (combating …

  • Article

Faculty of Science and Engineering

… in the Paris region, mainly on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus, and in the three marine stations of Roscoff, … in the Paris region, mainly on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus, and in the three marine stations of Roscoff, …

  • Article

Our services and activities

… allows the establishment of first-year courses on the Insep campus, offering athletes a way to optimize their schedule. … allows the establishment of first-year courses on the Insep campus, offering athletes a way to optimize their schedule. …

  • Événement

Apply Now: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF)

… has 3 Faculties and 115 research units in several campuses in Paris, as well as 3 marine stations in Roscoff, … has 3 Faculties and 115 research units in several campuses in Paris, as well as 3 marine stations in Roscoff, …

  • Actualité

L'AGORAé: a solidarity grocery store in Clignancourt

Campus Life L'AGORAé: a solidarity grocery store in … Croisset CROUS student residence hall on the Clignancourt campus of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, the AGORAé opens … Croisset CROUS student residence hall on the Clignancourt campus of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, the AGORAé opens …

  • Événement

Apply Now: UNAM-OPUS Summer School in Mexico City

… the LANCIC laboratories on the UNAM (Ciudad Universitaria) campus in Mexico City, the summer school will take place in … the LANCIC laboratories on the UNAM (Ciudad Universitaria) campus in Mexico City, the summer school will take place in …

  • Article

Conservation Ecology - Ecological Engineering: Research and Expertise (ECIRE)

… reefs. The first year of the EIO program takes place on the campus of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Sorbonne … Mihoub Contact by email Secrétariat Nadia Foka Campus Pierre et Marie Curie Département de SDUEE Tour … reefs. The first year of the EIO program takes place on the campus of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Sorbonne …