Nous avons trouvé 164 résultats pour votre recherche
Meteorology, Oceanography, Climate, Engineering for Space Observations (MOCIS) course
… the equivalent. Another bachelor's degree, such as Applied Mathematics, Mechanics or Earth Sciences, or a course of … that students have sufficient grounding in physics and mathematical methods. In particular, a physics major or … the equivalent. Another bachelor's degree, such as Applied Mathematics, Mechanics or Earth Sciences, or a course of …
Master in Actuarial Science
… can be completed as an apprenticeship. Skills and knowledge Mathematical modeling Mastery of mathematical tools, particularly in statistics, probability … have completed at least a bachelor's degree with a strong mathematical background and who have advanced skills in …
Master of Mechanical Engineering
… bachelor's degree or equivalent) in mechanics, physics or mathematics. For entry into the second year: holders of a … or equivalent). A solid background in mechanics, physics or mathematics is required. Admission is based on an … bachelor's degree or equivalent) in mechanics, physics or mathematics. For entry into the second year: holders of a …
Machine learning, artificial INtelligence and Data (MIND)
… by courses from other tracks aimed at providing essential mathematical and computational tools for the program, along … and deep learning algorithms to address a given problem. Mathematically model an AI problem to facilitate its … (or equivalent) in Computer Science or Computer Science/Mathematics. Well-motivated applications from other …
Kaspar Ravel
… University Alexandre Guilbaud, associate professor in mathematics and history of mathematics, vice-dean of Interdisciplinarity in the Faculty … University Alexandre Guilbaud, associate professor in mathematics and history of mathematics, vice-dean of …
Faculty of Science and Engineering
… six departments (UFRs): biology; chemistry; engineering; mathematics; physics; earth sciences, environment and … faculty hosts two Carnot Springboard Institutes, Smiles (mathematics for business) and Interfaces (digital for … six departments (UFRs): biology; chemistry; engineering; mathematics; physics; earth sciences, environment and …
Quantum Information (QI)
… holders in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Mathematics. Students should have competences in mathematics and theoretical foundations of computer science, … chain, models and performance evaluation.” MODEL , 6 ECTS, Mathematical algorithms play a central role in many fields …
… University Foundation Jean-Yves Chemin - Professor of Mathematics - Sorbonne University Claude Dutheillet - … University Foundation Jean-Yves Chemin - Professor of Mathematics - Sorbonne University Claude Dutheillet - …
Let's Talk Quantum AI
… get excited when I find new models from different areas of mathematics and physics that are useful for robust quantum … all of them. Brown: We develop and design very abstract mathematical models for fault-tolerant quantum computation. … get excited when I find new models from different areas of mathematics and physics that are useful for robust quantum …
M1 - First-year Master
… follow on from the major/minor license: the Physics and Mathematics profile, in conjunction with the Mathematics department, and the Physics and Chemistry of … follow on from the major/minor license: the Physics and Mathematics profile, in conjunction with the Mathematics …