Kaspar Ravel
Following a call for applications in early 2022, Sorbonne University has been hosting artist Kaspar Ravel since October 2022, for a residency in digital arts. The aim of this residency is to give full scope to the potential for artistic creation offered by a pluralistic knowledge production environment. The aim is to promote creation as the fruit of encounters between the sciences and the arts, and of dialogue between the university and the city.
Kaspar Ravel
Digital artist and winner of the artist residency
Digital art is a vector to be current and critical
Presentation of the residency
A new project for the university
For the first time Sorbonne University has launched a collective project of artist residency. The university—which is characterized by its plurality (disciplinary, geographical, temporal, heritage and missions)—is also a vector of transformation of ideas, concepts and knowledge into inspirations for creation and resources for its realization.
The goal of the residency is to increase the connection between research and creation, to experiment with new practices in the service of research and education, and to renew mediation practices. The residency will promote creation as the fruit of encounters between the sciences and the arts and through dialogue between the university and the city.
The call for applications launched in February 2022 led to the submission of 33 eligible projects that were examined by the jury. Kaspar Ravel was selected from four applicants auditioned by the jury in early July
Jury members:
- Gilles Alvarez, artistic director of the Biennale Némo/Le 104-Paris
- Pierre-Marie Chauvin, associate professor in sociology, Vice-president of Arts, Sciences, Culture and Society at Sorbonne University
- Gilles Demonet, professor of musicology, head of the Master's degree in Music Administration and Management, director of IReMus
- Larisa Dryansky, associate professor in contemporary art history at Sorbonne University
- Alexandre Guilbaud, associate professor in mathematics and history of mathematics, vice-dean of Interdisciplinarity in the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Sorbonne University
- Frédérique Pain, director of the ENSCI-Les ateliers
The digital arts
The field of digital arts were chosen for this residency with the goal of promoting a multidisciplinary academic and artistic approach. The digital arts integrate the evolution of traditional artistic practices with the emergence of new fields resulting from combinations linked to the evolution of technologies.
The scientific world and the digital arts world share the principle of free, open and public culture. The communities involved share a set of values around free art, open science, open source architecture, collaborative design, free and open Internet.