Research structures and technical platforms
Sorbonne University is notable for its critical mass of very high-level research in a very broad disciplinary continuum, leadership and a high density of research in science and technology, life and environmental sciences, health, humanities and social sciences.
This critical mass is built through a very close partnership with the Public Scientific and Technological Establishments (EPST), which are French national research organisations integrated into Sorbonne University. There is a close network of joint research units with the CNRS and Inserm, focused topics with the IRD, and project-teams with Inria. As a result, Sorbonne University's strategy has created a strong synergy with these four EPSTs.
This broad disciplinary spectrum feeds into interdisciplinary axes which take the form of multidisciplinary thematic institutes.
Sorbonne University has 135 research units and approximately 100 research platforms grouped within three faculties: Arts and Humanities, Medicine, Sciences and Engineering. All these structures contribute to Sorbonne University’s international influence, which are open to society and contribute their expertise, particularly to the business world through collaborations or research services.