Request to use a customary title and/or first name
In accordance with its Charter for Equality between Women and Men and its Charter to combat all forms of discrimination, and following the guidelines of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Sorbonne Université facilitates the use of a first name and a customary title for students, without any justification and on simple request, during their studies.
- Article 8 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
- Articles 60 to 61-4 of the French Civil Code concerning changes of first name and surname
- Articles 61-5 to 61-8 of the Civil Code relating to changing the mention of gender in civil status records
- Circular dated February 17, 2017 from the Ministry of Justice, relating to the procedure for changing a first name
- Plan de mobilisation contre la haine et les discriminations anti-LGBT of the Délégation Interministérielle à la Lutte Contre le Racisme, l'Antisémitisme et la Haine anti-LGBT (DILCRAH) of December 21, 2016.
- Circular no. 2019-134 of September 25, 2019 on the terms and conditions for the preparation and award of national diplomas and certain state diplomas by higher education establishments under the authority of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI)
- Recommendations to promote the inclusion of transgender people in student life and higher education institutions from MESRI of April 17, 2019
- MESRI's 2021 plan to combat discrimination against LGBT+ people
- Sorbonne Université's 2019 Charter for equality between women and men;
- Sorbonne Université's Charter against all forms of discrimination, June 2021.
This request concerns the following documents:
- Student card and certificate of attendance
- Registration, call and attendance lists
- Exam results display
- Student e-mail address
- Library card
- For elections: electoral list, voters' list, lists of candidates
Sorbonne University can issue you with a certificate stating that the identity under which you present yourself at the university is consistent with your civil status. The use of a customary title and first name within Sorbonne University is only valid for internal university documents.
Official Documents
Unless changed at the registry office, the customary first name cannot be used on official documents.
- Diploma
- Certificate of achievement
- Doctoral or employment contracts
On the other hand, the title can be removed from all these documents.
In the event of a change of identity at the civil registry office, send the official decision to Sorbonne Université. All documents required for your studies must be re-issued.
For diplomas obtained under a previous civil status and with a previous first name, request a reprint by returning the previous diploma.
How to proceed?
You can make these requests at any time of the year by filling in the form.
Then return it to your faculty contact.
- Faculty of Arts and Humanties:
- Faculty of Health Sciences:
- Faculty of Science and Engineering: