Proposed doctoral projects for IPV - 2022
Here are the doctoral projects selected by the Interdisciplinary Program for Living Matter. Candidates can consult them. They are also encouraged to contact the project leaders and then apply via the online form (in French).
Ecole doctorale 130 (EDITE - Informatique, télécommunication et électronique de Paris)
- Project: Large-scale assessment of the impact of protein sequence variations on ageing using - Project managers: Elodie Laine and Michael Rera
Ecole doctorale 227 (Sciences de la nature et de l'Homme : évolution et écologie)
- Project: Paleobiology of ancient amphibians: analysis of unique fossilized soft tissues through state-of-the-art synchrotron X-ray imaging - Project managers: Jean-Sébastien Steyer and Sophie Sanchez
- Project: Impact of human-animal interactions in highly anthropized environments: An Urban One Health approach based on the example of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) - Project managers: Julien Gasparini and Grégory Jouvion
- Projet : Contribution à l’élucidation de l’origine géographique et des trajectoires de migration possibles des post-larves des gobies amphidromes cosmopolite et endémiques, recrutant dans les rivières de la Réunion, de Mayotte et de Tahiti - Porteurs de projet : Céline Ellien, Charles-Olivier Braci et Cédric Baumier
- Project: The sequence determinants of nucleosome positioning in mammals - Project managers: Julien Mozziconacci and Pablo Navarro Gil
Ecole doctorale 386 (Sciences mathématiques de Paris Centre)
- Projet : Approche probabiliste pour le suivi des proportions de variants de SARS-CoV-2 dans les eaux usées - Porteurs de projet : Grégory Nuel, Vincent Maréchal et Marie Courbariaux
Ecole doctorale 388 (Chimie physique et chimie analytique de Paris Centre)
- Projet : Développement de techniques d’étude de cinétique enzymatique par DNP par dissolution : application à la métabolomique - Porteurs de projet : Daniel Abergel, Nicolas Giraud et Mathieu Baudin
- Project: Design and implementation of 2-color illuminations to reduce fluorophore photobleaching and phototoxicity in live cell fluorescence imaging - Project managers: Agathe Espagne and Lydia Robert
Ecole doctorale 397 (Physique et chimie des matériaux)
- Project: Pulsed Laser Photoinduced Gene Delivery using Tailored Core-Shell Au@SiO2 NanoRods - Project managers: Souhir Boujday, Guilhem Bousquet and Bruno Palpant
- Project: Development of immunoactive biomimetic collagen constructs for airway transplantation - Project managers: Francisco Fernandes et Makoto Miyara
Ecole doctorale 398 (Géosciences, ressources naturelles et environnement)
- Project: Applicability of bacterial membrane lipids as environmental proxies in lacustrine settings - Project managers: Arnaud Huguet et Pierre Sabatier
- Project: Crocodylomorph thermal paleobiophysics - Project managers: Jorge Cubo and Eric Brunet
Ecole doctorale 406 (Chimie moléculaire)
Project: Peptide Inhibitor of RED-SMU Interaction as a new anti-infectious agent - Project managers: Roba Moumné, Nadia Naffakh and Nicolas Pietrancosta
Ecole doctorale 515 (Complexité du vivant)
- Project: Perfused Liver Vasculature On Chip: a microphysiological model to study the role of mechanics on the liver endothelial cells - Project managers: Mathieu Hautefeuille and Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou
- Project: Implicating the LINC complex in collective muscle cell behavior - Project managers: Bruno Cadot, Benoit Ladoux and Léa Trichet
- Project: Biophysical and human organoid approaches of signaling network temporal dynamics in cell fate specification - Project managers: Stéphane Nedelec, Pascal Hersen and Benoit Sorre
- Project: Regulation of gene expression coupled to cell growth and division in bacterial adaption processes - Project managers: Bianca Sclavi and Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino
- Project: Investigating cold atmospheric plasmas as oxidizing agents of anhydrobiotic systems - Application to seed biology - Project managers: Christophe Bailly and Thierry Dufour
- Project: Analysis of chromosome segregation mechanisms and cell division dynamics by designing innovative Haspine kinase-specific probes - Project managers: Sandrine Ruchaud and Sylvain Routier
Ecole doctorale 564 (Physique de la région parisienne)
- Project: Statistical Design of Serine Protease Substrate Specificity - Project managers: Clément Nizak and Martin Weigt
- Project: Memory formation and neurogenesis: from experiments to computational models and back - Project managers: Rémi Monasson and Christoph Schmidt-Hieber
- Project: Adaptative dynamics of S. cerevisiae in fluctuating environnements - Project managers: Nicolas Desprat and Jean-Baptiste Boulé
- Project: Regulating membrane fusion with DNA origamis - Project managers: Frédéric Pincet, Paul Heo and Chenxiang Lin