Three Laureats of the ERC Starting Grant 2021
Three CNRS researchers in Sorbonne University laboratories have been awarded the prestigious ERC Starting Grant 2021 by the European Research Council.
At the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute (ICM) - Faculty of Medicine
Léonie Koban, a researcher in the team "CIA”: cognitive control, interoception, attention. Seeks to understand the role of social influences on decision making in mental and physical health.
Julia Sliwa, a researcher in the team "MOV'IT: movement, investigations, therapeutics. Normal and abnormal movement: physiopathology and experimental therapeutics" studies the neural and neural mechanisms that allow the transformation of social perceptions into social concepts.
At the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and High Energy (LPTHE) - Faculty of Science and Engineering
Hua-Sheng Shao, a researcher on the project "BOosting the knowledge of the Strong interaction from quarkONium: an advanced simulation framework and beyond - Panel PE2 (Fundamental Constituents of Matter)""
The ERC Starting Grant
The ERC Starting Grant is a funding for projects led by researchers with 2 to 7 years of experience since their thesis.
With an average of 1.5 million euros over 5 years, the laureates will be able to develop research of excellence, in disruptive innovation, and at the frontiers of knowledge, with a team of their choice set up for the project.
The only selection criterion is scientific excellence.