Sorbonne University supports the EUA renewed social contract
As a long-standing member of the EUA, Sorbonne University is fully in line with the EUA’s recent proposal.
In the current climate of political disruption, university networks have become more important than ever. Sorbonne University has a history of engagement in European policy decisions that reflect our commitment to strengthen our role in society. The EUA’s recently published paper on “A renewed social contract for Europe and its universities” is an important reminder of our goals.
The current challenges and drivers of change must be treated with firm actions and integrity. On the geopolitical front, we stand together to defend Europe and strengthen our ties with Ukraine. This includes signing agreements with the Ukrainian Institute, the EaPUC and others. Our institutional ties with Russia have been put on hold.
In France, and more broadly throughout Europe, political polarization, and the rise of the far right, requires a vigorous defense of democracy in a year of European elections. Sorbonne University remains committed to our 4EU+ Alliance and is participating in the student-led “HEYEU” voting initiative.
The EUA paper is completely in line with Sorbonne University’s engagement with the wider world. The sharing of cultures and ideas are essential to advance knowledge, and to establish mutual respect. The mobility of our students and academic staff contributes to the influence of France and Europe in the rest of the world. Our president clearly expressed her disaccord when the new immigration law was discussed in parliament.
On a cultural level, multilingualism is the cornerstone to broadening one’s views. A priority of the 4EU+ Alliance is to reinforce the link of multilingualism with multicultural skills.
Sorbonne University is in full agreement with the EUA’s characterization of the role of universities in the future of Europe. The primary university missions: higher education, research, innovation and culture, create an important synergy to meet our challenges of the future. The university’s role in enriching society is essential in developing the next generation of engaged and active citizens who are able to create knowledge based on advanced research.
Sorbonne University has created numerous institutes based on multidisciplinary research and education. These initiatives develop broader communication across disciplines to create novel approaches to complex issues. Our engagement is also in line with the CoARA agreement that Sorbonne University has signed.
Our current situation calls for European solutions.
We must therefore create instruments on a European scale to structure this cooperation, and alliances are one of them. Like all instruments that aim for long-term objectives, a lasting framework and sustainable financing are required; it is therefore very important to finance the alliances holistically for all the missions they carry out, and for the overall benefit of Europe.
Read the EUA’s “A renewed social contract for Europe and its universities.”