The Sorbonne University Cité de l'Innovation is launching a call for applications for companies, startups and project leaders
This major project, a unique innovation ecosystem, will open its doors at the end of 2025 – beginning of 2026 on the Pierre and Marie Curie campus.
With an area of nearly 15,000 square meters, the Sorbonne University Cité de l’Innovation will offer a dynamic environment for the creation and incubation of innovative businesses.
Applications are already open for companies, start-ups and project leaders, by downloading this file. For more information, send an inquery to: cite-innovation@sorbonne-universite.fr
The Sorbonne University Cité de l’Innovation is part of a broader project that strongly supports putting science back in the heart of society. The Cité de l'Innovation is also part of the University Innovation Center (PUI) and the Sorbonne University Alliance.
Sorbonne University is committed to carrying out an ambitious project without precedent in the French university landscape. Thanks to its academic partnerships and its vast network of research laboratories, the University has created an environment conducive to the development of startups. Over the last ten years, those from the research laboratories of Sorbonne University have raised more than 1.5 billion euros.
A dedicated space for all phases of innovation
Designed by the architectural agencies BIG and OXO, the Sorbonne University Cité de l’Innovation will be spread over five levels, offering specific areas for incubation, support for young businesses, as well as a space dedicated to established businesses and support structures for innovation and student entrepreneurship.
Shared services will also be available to promote interactions between all stakeholders involved. These facilities will be open 24/7 and will thus provide a framework conducive to the emergence of ideas and the development of new collaborations. Companies will have the opportunity to work with research laboratories, researchers and experts from Sorbonne University, in close collaboration with scientific platforms and student and alumni communities.
The Cité de l’Innovation Sorbonne University is a major step in structuring the university’s innovation ecosystem, a structuring process that began a few months ago with the University Innovation Center (PUI) of the Sorbonne University Alliance.
The selection criteria
Candidate companies will be selected based on rigorous criteria, including proven research and development activities linked to Sorbonne University, and a desire for cooperation and involvement in the Cité de l’Innovation Sorbonne University community.
After a hearing by the selection committee, the selected companies will be offered a reception and services agreement. Sorbonne University will then support them in their installation, planned from the 4th quarter of 2025 – 1st quarter of 2026.
Applications are now open
Companies are invited to submit their application before June 1, 2024. To apply, please download this file including a presentation of the company, a multi-year economic model, as well as a cooperation project with Sorbonne University, which must be transmitted by email.
Nathalie Drach-Temam, president of Sorbonne UniversityAn unparalleled ecosystem, where research and innovation shape the future of entrepreneurship.
Deadline for submitting the file: June 1, 2024
Hearing by the committee: end of June – beginning of July 2024
Notification of admission: during October 2024
Installation planned: 4th quarter 2025 - 1st quarter 2026