The Presidential Election 2022: Udice universities propose six projects for higher education, research and innovation (ESRI)
On March 16, the association of French research universities (Udice), of which Sorbonne University is a member, presented six priority projects for ESRI to the candidates in the presidential election, public authorities and future political decision-makers.
In ten years, France's research-intensive universities have risen to the top internationally. They are now ready to face the challenges of the 21st century and to deal with the current issues of education, research and innovation. The challenge now is to ensure that these universities are able to play their role fully in society, particularly the younger generations. More broadly, French universities have an important place in the development of a strong and sovereign knowledge base in Europe.
To achieve this, Udice has defined six priority areas, supported by fifteen or so proposals:
- Project n°1: Make universities the pillars of national research strategies
We will be able to achieve this if we can rely on a single, strong ministry in charge of research and higher education, which is the primary contact between the diversity of actors in research, innovation and higher education.
- Project n°2: Acknowledge the differences between universities
The differentiation of universities is the key to education that is truly adapted to each student profile and is essential for research universities to be able to meet the demand for advanced skills.
- Project #3: Create conditions to attract and retain talent
Facilitate administrative procedures at the national level and make recruitment procedures more flexible in order to attract and welcome talented international colleagues to our campuses.
- Project n°4: Thinking about ESRI policy on a European scale
Consider our universities in terms of collaboration and networking with other research universities in the European Union and beyond, including Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Project n°5: Make universities autonomous and accountable to the State
Make the multi-annual contract a real instrument of commitment by associating objectives and means and simplifying evaluation mechanisms.
- Project n°6: Adapting funding to reinforced university missions
Improve our funding structure by reestablishing the long-term approach in financing research.
These six projects are part of a desire to maintain France's high level of excellence in education, research and innovation in Europe.
The full report (in French) is available for download at this link.