Leiden Ranking 2023: Highlighting Sorbonne University’s continued commitment to Open Access
The announcement of the Leiden ranking, which measures the volume of research publications and citations, shows Sorbonne University in the top two universities in France. This is driven in part by Sorbonne University’s commitment to Open Access (OA).
Indeed, our University has been the leading French university in Open Access since 2017, both the absolute number of OA publications and for their proportion to the total number of publications. The University's proactive policy and the resources deployed over the past few years to support the transition to OA have paid off, as seen when comparing Sorbonne University’s Open Access rate of 72.8% for 2015-2018, to the increase to 82.3% for 2018-2021.
This success has relied on an early adoption of Open Access practices by certain disciplines such as Mathematics and Physics. Today, however, the University is also ranked 1st for Open Access publication rates in the Social Sciences and Humanities, because of the dedicated researchers at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities to record and make available their publications in HAL-SU, the University’s Open Access Repository.