A Doctoral College for Sorbonne University
The Sorbonne University Doctoral College was created for its twenty-three doctoral schools, and approved by the Board of Directors on November 14, 2023.
Following a two-year consultation process involving all categories of staff and representatives of doctoral candidates, Sorbonne University, like most other French universities, created a Doctoral College. This new component was approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on November 14, 2023, and will be implemented as of January 2024. The Doctoral College is headed by Bertrand Granado, Professor at LIP6.
Without changing the structure or autonomy of each of Sorbonne University's twenty-three doctoral schools, the Doctoral College will provide them with unprecedented support in terms of welcoming doctoral candidates, particularly those from other countries, providing access to doctoral training, preventing psycho-social risks, monitoring the health of doctoral candidates, and supporting their career prospects. It will also promote dialogue and synergy between all members of the doctoral community.
Beyond Sorbonne University, the Doctoral College will enhance its visibility and influence. It will participate in the rich activities of the Réseau national des Collèges doctoraux (RNCD, the national doctorate network). It will engage in dialogue with doctoral colleges at universities in Europe, through the Doctoral Studies group of the LERU or the Council for Doctoral Education of the EUA, and around the world.