Former Staff Group
The Former Staff Group is independent of the university. It brings together former employees of Sorbonne University (lecturer-researchers, researchers, BIATSS) to create a strong intergenerational bond. Its goal is to participate in improving students’ study and living conditions and develop a network of solidarity and mutual aid among its members. The Former Staff Group plays a particularly active role in the smooth running of our campaign.
Any retiree who has worked at Sorbonne University can become an active member of the Former Staff Group (Les Anciens) provided they make at least one donation each year. Being an active member of the Group means benefiting from an e-mail address, a registration in the directory and access to libraries and sports facilities at the university, and to continue to receive information intended for University staff.
To donate to the Les Anciens account and become an active member, you can:
- do it online via the Former Staff website
- send your donation accompanied by a downloadable support bulletin to:
Sorbonne University Foundation - The Anciens personnels - Box 390 - 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris cedex 05
Three questions for Claude Alquié, President of the Former Staff Group
How did this group of former staff members come about?
This group was created in 2010 to bring together within the Foundation those who worked for the university and wanted to keep in touch with it and their former colleagues. The idea was to establish a network of former UPMC employees who care about the university’s continued success and want to stay in contact with one another and participate in activities of both a philanthropic and social nature.
The Group’s evolution under Sorbonne University
The (UPMC) Group included, as of December 31, 2017, a total of roughly 450 active members. Now, of course, retired staff from Sorbonne University overall, including both UPMC and Paris-Sorbonne University. Together we now support students in all three faculties, for example, by providing more scholarships. And the cultural diversity of the members will enable us to enrich the activities offered to them.
Our ambitions for the coming years
With greater resources, we will support the projects of Sorbonne University, including our participation in the Foundation’s fundraising campaigns, and we’ll also launch new programs, in order to contribute to the best of our ability to the success and prestige of Sorbonne University.