Apply Now: UNAM-OPUS Summer School in Mexico City
Reconstructing, restoring and projecting color from the late 19th century to the 1950s: Visual arts, archaeology of color, exoticism, physico-chemical studies.
From August 22nd to August 26th
Mexico City
As part of the partnership between Sorbonne University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico - UNAM, the Observatory of Heritage of the Sorbonne University Alliance and the LANCIC* of UNAM is organizing the first edition of a week-long summer school in Mexico on the subject of the materiality of color.
This first summer school "Color and Materiality" will focus on art history, archeology and
heritage sciences.
The objective of this summer school is to allow students to approach the materiality of color
through the study of works by Diego Rivera (1886-1957), a Mexican painter famous for his mural paintings.
Strongly interdisciplinary, this summer school invites students in humanities and sciences
to discover and experiment with various approaches and methodologies in the study of color.
To encourage dialogue between disciplines and areas of specialization, the selected students will have conducted research on the materiality of color that they will be asked to discuss during this summer school.
We wish to approach color in its polysemy, whether it be questioning tones, the projection of
color or light, or the scientificity of color in archaeological, topographical or ethnographic
The workshops are designed to allow students to experiment with cross-disciplinary
practices and to bring together the humanities and the exact sciences in their research.
Hosted by the LANCIC laboratories on the UNAM (Ciudad Universitaria) campus in Mexico
City, the summer school will take place in sessions alternating theoretical presentations,
practical workshops and visits to collections.
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their research and enrich their knowledge
and skills in a scientific environment of excellence.
Applications are open to students in Master 1 and 2 as well as doctoral students from the
Sorbonne University Alliance and the UNAM, working on the theme of color in all disciplines
(arts and science.)
The groups will be made up of students from the Sorbonne University Alliance and the
UNAM. The common language will be English.
OPUS is offering 10 travel grants covering travel and accommodation expenses in
Mexico City to students of the Alliance Sorbonne University.
How to apply
Applicants must submit the following documents via email before June 20, 2022:
- A CV.
- A letter of motivation (500 words maximum) presenting their interest in participating in this summer school.
- The name and email address of a teacher-researcher recommending them.
- A selection of applications will be made in order to ensure a balance between participants in science and humanities.