![Elections étudiantes Elections étudiantes](/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/media/2023-10/elections_etudiantes2023_hp.jpg?itok=5Tmrlx02)
Student elections
Elections for student representatives on the central and faculty councils of the Faculty of Arts and Humanites and the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
Voting on Wednesday, November 22 at 9:00 a.m. to Thursday, November 23, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
The student representatives' term in office on the Central Councils, the Faculty of Arts and Humanites Council and the Faculty of Science and Engineering Council will end in December 2023.
If you are a student in the Faculty of Arts and Humanites, the Faculty of Health Sciences or the Faculty of Science and Engineering, vote to elect your student representatives to the central councils and faculty councils:
- Board of Directors (CA) ;
- Research Commission (CR) of the Academic Council. Voting open to doctoral students only;
- Academic Council Training and University Life Committee (CFVU).
- If you are a student in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, vote for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Council.
- If you are a student in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, vote for the Faculty of Science and Engineering council.
The elections for the Faculty of Health Sciences council will take place on October 17 and 18, 2023, students and PhD candidates attached to the Faculty of Health Sciences will only be called to vote for the central councils in November.
Please consult the links to the French documents below:
- Arrêté portant organisation des élections des représentants des usagers au CA, à la CFVU, à la CR, au conseil de la Faculté des Lettres et au conseil de la Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie de Sorbonne Université
- Document pour demander l'inscription sur la liste électorale - (vérifier votre inscription sur votre ENT facultaire)
- Documents pour les listes candidates aux conseils centraux
- Documents pour les listes candidates au conseil de la Faculté des Lettres ou au conseil de la Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie
Why is it important to Vote?
Sorbonne University's three central councils and faculty councils play a direct and active role in the university's political direction and management. At any time during your representative’s term of office, you can contact them so that they can defend your interests and respond to your concerns.
100% electronic voting:
No paper ballots will be cast on university campuses.
The voting platform will be managed by Néovote, a service provider specializing in the organization of electronic elections. The platform will go online at the beginning of November. You'll find all the information you need about the elections: electoral calendar, date for submitting candidacy lists, voting procedures.
In the meantime, you will be kept regularly informed of the practical details of how to organize the vote via the university's communication channels (ENT facultaire, WhatSUp, Fil doctoral, etc.) as well as on this page and its FAQ, which will be regularly updated with all the necessary information.
In the coming weeks, you will be contacted on your institutional e-mail addresses ("prenom.nom@etu.sorbonne-universite.fr") to check your electoral roll registration and personal information.
This e-mail address "@etu.sorbonne-universite.fr" will enable you to generate the password you will need to vote. All these elements will be essential to take part in the electronic vote on November 22 and 23, 2023. Please consult your institutional mailboxes regularly.
Deadlines and electoral operations
- Monday, September 25, 2023 - Opinion of the Social Administration Committee on the framework decision
- Thursday, October 5 - Opinion of the consultative electoral committee on the electoral decree and framework decision
- Monday, October 10 - Signature and distribution of the electoral decree (posting on sites and publication on the intranet)
- Monday, October 16 - Opening date for filing candidacies and start of election campaign
- Friday, October 27 - Posting of the interim electoral list on the student intranets of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Monday November 6 at 1:00 pm - Deadline for applications
- Between Monday November 6 and Wednesday November 8 - Verification of candidates' eligibility and organization of a consultative electoral committee with delegates from candidate lists
- Wednesday, November 8 at the earliest - Posting of candidate list admissibility decree
- Wednesday, November 8 - A detailed information leaflet on the electoral process and the login to the Neovote website are sent out.
- Thursday, November 16 - Deadline for applications to register/rectify on electoral lists
- Friday November 17 - Posting of the final electoral list on the student ENTs of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Tuesday, November 21 - End of election campaign and sealing of electoral lists
- Wednesday, November 22 and Thursday, November 23 - Polling days
- Thursday evening, November 23, 2023 - Proclamation and posting of results
Frequently asked questions:
The vote will take place on Wednesday November 22 and Thursday November 23, 2023.
Users, students and doctoral candidates of the university.
Voters are divided into different colleges according to their status.
The electoral lists are currently being drawn up and will be published on Friday October 27, 2023 on the ENT faculties so that everyone can check their registration.
Sorbonne University's three central councils and faculty councils play a direct and active role in defining the university's project and political direction. At any time during your student representative’s term of office, you can contact them so that they can defend your interests and respond to your concerns.
By electronic means only, from a computer, tablet or smartphone
Sorbonne University students and PhD candidates are called to vote to elect their representatives to the:
- Board of Directors (CA);
- Research Commission (CR) of the Academic Council (vote open to doctoral candidates only);
- Academic Council's Training and University Life Committee (CFVU).
- If you are a student at the Faculty of Arts and Humanties, vote for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Council.
- If you are a student in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, vote for the Council of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
The elections for the Faculty of Health Sciences Council will take place on October 17 and 18, 2023, students attached to the Faculty of Health Sciences will only be called upon to vote for the Central Councils in November.
The Central Councils
The Board of Directors and the Academic Council are the university's central councils, made up of elected representatives of teaching staff, administrative staff, students and external personalities (appointed and elected), and are responsible for the university's administration.
The Board of Governors (Conseil d'administration - CA): determines the university's policy, notably by deliberating on the content of the establishment's contract. It votes on the budget and approves the accounts.
The Academic Council (CAC): includes members of the Research Commission and the Training and University Life Commission.
The Commission on Education and University Life (CFVU): (the Commission de la formation et de la vie universitaire) notably adopts the allocation of resources earmarked for training, the rules governing examinations and the evaluation of teaching. This includes measures:
- enable the implementation of student orientation and the validation of prior learning,
- facilitate students' entry into working life, to promote cultural, sporting, social or community activities offered to students,
- improve living and working conditions,
- encourage the acceptance and success of students with disabilities.
The Education and University Life Commission is also consulted on component academic programs.
Research Commission (CR): the Research Commission allocates the resources earmarked for research by the Board of Directors, and sets the operating rules for laboratories after consultation with the relevant faculty council. It is also consulted on agreements with research organizations, and adopts measures to enable students to develop activities to disseminate scientific, technical and industrial culture.
Faculty councils
Sorbonne University is made up of three faculties:
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities;
The Faculty of Health Sciences;
The Faculty of Science and Engineering.
Each faculty is administered by a board. The statutes of each faculty determine the composition of the board. Through its deliberations, the Faculty Council regulates the affairs of the Faculty. In particular, it contributes to the university's research, education, student life and campus life policies, as well as to the development of the university's institutional strategic plan.
You can only vote electronically. No paper ballots will be cast. The service provider, selected as a "trusted third party", will send each voter an identifier enabling them to secure their password and vote from a personal or professional computer, tablet or smartphone.
The electronic voting platform is accessible to the visually impaired.
No, voting by proxy is not authorised for these elections.
Computers will be deployed at a number of sites, to enable voters without a computer, tablet or smartphone to cast their vote. The list of locations will be published shortly.
Voters will be able to bring along a user of their choice to assist them if necessary.
The list of locations where voting can take place on unmarked computers is as follows:
Computer stations available for electronic voting in Sorbonne University's central and faculty council elections - November 22 and 23, 2023 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm)
- Campus Pierre et Marie Curie - Bibliothèque des Licences (BDL), salle Arène
- Campus Pitié-Salpêtrière - Bureau de la vie étudiante, salle 30
- Campus Saint-Antoine - Rez-de-chaussée, salle 03
- Institut de la Mer de Villefranche-sur-Mer- Salle Trégouboff, Bâtiment des Galériens, 181 chemin du Lazaret 06 230 Villefranche-sur-Mer
- Station biologique de Roscoff - Bâtiment YD-GT, Bureau 317
- Observatoire océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer - Bâtiment Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers, 1er étage, Bureau 120
- Site Sorbonne - Centre administratif, Direction générale, bureau D327
Purpose of the processing:
The information collected is processed for the purpose of implementing electronic voting via the Internet for the elections of student representatives to the Sorbonne University central and faculty councils.
The legal basis for the processing is compliance with a legal obligation to which Sorbonne University is subject.
Categories of data processed:
- Identification data: surname, first names, date of birth, telephone number, personal e-mail address, assignment structure, diploma
- Corporate e-mail address
- Personal login data
People concerned:
Sorbonne University users
Recipient of the data:
Depending on their respective needs, the following are recipients of all or part of the data:
- Sorbonne University's internal departments, in particular the Legal and Institutional Affairs Department
- The external service provider selected by Sorbonne University: Néovote.
- The subcontractor has been chosen in accordance with the provisions of Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 ("RGPD") as well as the CNIL recommendation of April 25, 2019 (deliberation n°2019-053) relating to the security of electronic postal voting systems, in particular via the Internet.
- The processing does not involve the transfer of data outside the European Union.
Data retention period:
All media files are kept under seal for a period of two years. At the end of this period, and if no legal action has been taken once the appeal deadlines have expired, these documents will be destroyed. The only documents to be kept are the lists of candidates, with their declarations of candidacy and professions of faith, the minutes of the election and the acts appointing the members of the polling stations.
In accordance with the rules applicable to public and private archives, this data will be archived on a separate medium with very limited access.
Personal rights:
Within the limits of the law, you may access and obtain a copy of the data concerning you, oppose the processing of this data, have it rectified or deleted.
To exercise any of these rights, please contact Sorbonne Université's Data Protection Officer (DPO) by e-mail.
Due to the transfer of the Faculty of Medicine to the Faculty of Health Sciences, the entire board of the Faculty of Health will be renewed in the November 17 and 18 elections.
Due to the transfer of the Faculty of Medicine to the Faculty of Health Sciences, the entire Board of the Faculty of Health Sciences will be renewed in the November 17 and 18 ballots.