Degrees in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
PEPITE Sorbonne University offers many training courses in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship dedicated to students and newly graduates.
If you have in mind to create your own company:
- “The Student Entrepreneur Diploma” (D2E) is a degree available for students and newly graduates whichever your level of study. It lasts for an academic year. Evening classes allow students to be enrolled into two degrees at the same time (possibility to hold D2E and another degree at the same time). Students follow courses dedicated to the creation of their company and are accompanied in the development of their project.
You are interested by entrepreneurship but you are not ready yet to lauch your own business so you would like to have a training in project management :
- The « Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma belongs to the Bachelor + 3 level and is opened to the holders of a master’s degree (Bachelor +2) and PhD students. It has two different learning courses: one in French and the other is an European learning taught in English and available for the students of 4EU+. It takes place during one academic year. It combines essential entrepreneurship skills formation, methodology of project management training and simulation exercise within a multidisciplinary team, offering answers to the question of Sorbonne University partner’s innovation request. Students are directly in touch with one of the sponsor representatives, which can be a firm, an association or a collectivity.
The “The Student Entrepreneur Diploma”, the “Mastère Spécialisé CELSA Entreprendre” and the “Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma” are delivered by the CELSA, the school of communication from Sorbonne University.
Objectives of the training
The goal of the “Student Entrepreneur Diploma” (D2E) is to accompany students in the creation, implementation and development of their entrepreneurial project. This degree is based on an experimental teaching which favors learning through action.
It allows students to obtain basic and fundamental knowledge and practices in entrepreneurship. They can also benefit from an individual help with experts and a mentor.
The objective of the Student Entrepreneur Diploma is to make the student asking himself questions regarding the development of his or her project and give him or her resources in order to:
- clarify his or her idea, and conceptualize his or her product or services
- do his or her own market research, and define its value
- choose an economic model and implement his or her own business plan
- create his or her own brand, implement his or her business and communication strategies
- choose a judicial structure adapted to his or her project
- achieve an entrepreneurial stance, learn how to introduce himself or herself, and introduce his or her project
Introduction of the training
The training starts with an immersive business creation game which allows students to understand and experiment the different steps of an entrepreneurial project.
Courses allow students to obtain basic notions in the creation of a company (marketing, communication, commercial strategy, business model, intellectual property, company law etc.) in order to apply them to their project, during workshops and individual meetings.
This training is offered by the CELSA, a communication school, member of the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”, which allows students to benefit from solid trainings and advice, specifically in marketing and communication. Regarding double degrees, the entrepreneurship student can obtain the authorization to substitute his or her mandatory internship in order to have working times dedicated to the development of his or her entrepreneurship project (if the training director gives his or her agreement).
Discover the experience of three alumni of the “D2E”:
Marion Carré - AskMona
Anthony Grally – Le Cab’ Politique
Arnaud Ravat – Hygie Solution
Organization of the training
- 3 hours of class, per week (on the evening), from October to June
- Immersive business game during two days
Conditions of admission
The « Student Entrepreneur Diploma » is exclusively open to students and recently graduated people who have succeeded to obtain the « National Student Entrepreneur Status» from PEPITE Sorbonne University (Student Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship).
It is accessible for students at their first year of bachelor’s degree, in double diploma. It is only available as a unique degree (without any other enrollment) to recently young graduated people.
Registration fees at the “Student Entrepreneur Diploma” degree cost 500€ per year. Registration fees at Sorbonne University are deductible from the registration fees in “Student Entrepreneur Diploma”.
Scholarship student holders are exempt from registration fees.
Application procedure
I apply to the “Statut National d’Etudiant-Entrepreneur platform” and check the following box : “You want to apply at the “D2E” Student Entrepreneur Diploma.
- Submission of application: May 30th 2023 to September 28th 2023
- Deadline of the submission of application: September 28th
- Selection committees:
1st session: mid-June
2nd session: end of September
- Beginning of the training: October 18th
Objectives of the training
The «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma is adressed to recently young graduated people who already have a Master’s degree and wish to receive training in project management. By following these classes, students can hope to work in intrapreneurship in an important company, join a startup or participate in the development of an association or an organization engaged into social and solidarity-based economy or in environmental transition.
This degree is addressed to recently young graduated people who want to use their expertise and drive at the service of an innovating project, who want to do teamwork and who want to learn multidisciplinarity.
It is based on an experimental way of teaching which favors learning through action, and multidisciplinarity. Each Company or institution in partnership with PEPITE Sorbonne University introduce their own project and innovative quality that define their identity as a company. Students who are in a teamwork learn how to solve problems.
Introduction of the training
The «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma has two axis. The first axis focuses on 80 hours of classes in order to discover the basics in entrepreneurship: through the use of ‘design thinking’, identify the opportunities and build innovating suggestions and solutions based on an economic model, seek for financing, initiate himself or herself to creativity, build a commercial activity with bootstrapping, learn how to argue and convince…
The second axis is a real project management in the field of innovation on a subject given by partnership companies from Sorbonne University, provided through educational support and learning the basics in intrapreneurship project management. Multidisciplinary teams work for 6 months in order to conceive, try and present an innovating solution to the existed challenge. This experience allows students to develop abilities in building innovating projects, management, team work, and multidisciplinarity.
Introduction of 2 projects held during The «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma
Organization of the training
The training lasts for an academic year:
- Fall: Master class on the basics of entrepreneurship
- January – June: courses on the basics of project management in intrapreneurship and part-time in project management with a multidisciplinary team on a problematic given by a company partnership of Sorbonne University. It is also possible to obtain internship contracts in part time.
Conditions of admission
The «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma is a Bac+6 degree, accessible to Master’s degree holders (Bac+5). Registration fees for the « DU » are 500€ per year.
Application procedure – contacts and pieces of information
I apply on the online platform E-candidat of the Arts and Humanities Faculty of Sorbonne University
- Application deadline: 28 August to 29 September 2024
- Registration deadline: 29 September 2024 (midnight)
- Admission decision: 7 October 2024
- Start date: 20 November 2024
Application file :
A detailed resume
A detailed cover letter (studies, professional experiences, motivations towards entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship…)
A graduation certificate of the level Bac + 5 (or training certificate of the current year) accompanied with achieved results.
NB : Applications will be examined as they go along and juries will be organized from the beginning of June. We invite you to apply as soon as possible.
Engagement in this training needs the availability of students in full time. During the project management session (January – June), a professional and complementary activity in part-time can be done, in agreement with the responsible of formation, specifically through an internship contract.
Educational objectives
The University Diploma (DU) in Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management is aimed at young postgraduates and doctoral students who want to learn project management with a view to working as an intrapreneur in a large company, joining a start-up, or participating in the development of an association or organisation involved in the social economy or environmental transition.
It is aimed at young graduates who want to apply their expertise and dynamism to an innovative project, who want to learn to work in a multicultural team and who want to be introduced to multidisciplinarity.
It is based on an experiential teaching approach that emphasises learning by doing and a strong interdisciplinary approach. As part of the Diploma, partner companies and institutions present an environmental or social challenge that they are facing. Students work in project teams to solve the problems.
Programme overview
This university degree is awarded by CELSA - Sorbonne Université in partnership with the 4EU+ universities of Milan, Heidelberg, Warsaw, Prague and Geneva.
The DU in Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management has two main components:
An 80-hour module introduces students to the basics of entrepreneurship, with 6 hours of face-to-face teaching per week in English and via distance learning: identifying opportunities, learning about creativity, using design thinking to co-construct innovative proposals and solutions based on a viable business model, seeking funding, organising your commercial activity, learning to argue and convince, etc.
The second major component is a real case of project management in environmental or social innovation on a topic provided by one of the partner organisations of the 4EU+ universities. Supported by teachers and a framework for learning intrapreneurial project management, the multidisciplinary teams work for 7 months to design, test and present an innovative solution to the challenge presented. This practical experience allows them to develop skills in leading innovative projects, management, teamwork and multidisciplinarity.
Presentation of 2 projects carried out in the framework of the DU "Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Project Management":
- Presentation of « Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma [Video]
- Reduction of waste in plane with Safran [Video]
- "Become a manager with The « Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma 4EU+" [Video]
Training organisation
The course lasts one academic year:
- End of November: 3 days of in-person opening conference at one of the 4EU+ universities - year 2024-25 University of Milan
- December - March: Masterclass on the Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship (course in English and online learning, 6 hours a week on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings).
- December - June: Technical workshops on the basics of intrapreneurial project management and remote project management in a multicultural and multidisciplinary team on a challenge led by a partner sponsor of the Alliance 4EU+.
- End of June: Final in-person closing conference (2 days) at one of the 4EU+ universities - venue to be confirmed
How to apply:
If you are from one of the 4EU+ partner universities in Milan, Heidelberg, Warsaw, Prague or Geneva, you should apply to your local university for a preliminary interview. If the course is suitable for you, you should submit all the supporting documents via the link on the Faculty of Arts' e-candidate platform.
Application documents:
I apply on the application platform E-Candidat of Sorbonne University.
- A detailed curriculum vitae,
- A detailed covering letter (student background, professional experience, motivation in relation to entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship,
- ...)
- A certificate of 5 years of higher education (or training certificate for the current year) with the results obtained.
Course calendar
- Application deadline: 28 August to 29 September 2024
- Registration deadline: 29 September 2024 (midnight)
- Admission decision: 7 October 2024
- Start date: 20 November 2024
NB: Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis and juries will be organised from the beginning of September.