Defending the thesis
The defence is one of the highlights of the doctoral project. The culmination of several years of effort and joy, it is an important step in terms of identity and professional recognition.
It is a way to demonstrate the quality of the work done and to show its implications. The defence is also a moment of sharing with colleagues and relatives who have supported the candidate during this period and who now have a chance to actually see what work has been accomplished.
In the Administrative Procedures section, Doctoral candidates can find the procedure to follow and the deadlines to be met in order to successfully complete their defence.
Courses in written communication specially designed for the preparation of the thesis manuscript and oral communication for the defence are available. These courses can be found in the course catalogue of the Sorbonne University Doctoral College.
Each year a ceremony celebrates the Doctorates of the Year under the aegis of a renowned sponsor. Find previous promotions in the Highlights section.
Once they graduate, Sorbonne University Doctors become part of the Alumni community and the Sorbonne University Doctors' Club. Its current leaders have made it a priority to promote the doctorate to the socio-economic world and public authorities, to create unifying events around scientific and economic themes related to the strategic objectives of Sorbonne University and to develop mentoring. Newly graduated doctoral candidates are encouraged to participate in the activities of this assembly and in the network created.