Social Protections
Social protection
Social protection is the set of support systems that enables each individual to access social aid throughout his or her life. Because of its level of intervention, Social Security is the heart of French social protection. For more information, contact ddrh-protectionsociale@sorbonne-universite.fr
Sick leave: Doctoral candidates must send their sick leave or hospitalization report to their HR manager within 48 hours. At the same time, they must inform their doctoral school, the thesis director and the host laboratory. If the contractual doctoral candidate has been on sick leave for more than 4 consecutive months or on leave of absence for 2 months or more following a work-related accident, the duration of the doctoral contract may be extended, provided that the doctoral student makes a request before the expiration of the initial contract. The duration of the extension is at most equal to the duration of the leave obtained, up to a maximum of 12 months.
Maternity leave: Doctoral candidates must send their HR manager, before the beginning of their maternity leave, a notification from Assurance Maladie (social security) specifying the dates of their maternity leave. The HR department will take these dates down and establish a maternity leave agreement. Doctoral candidates must also inform their doctoral school, their thesis director and their host laboratory. The duration of the doctoral contract can be extended if the doctoral student requests it before the expiration of the initial contract. The duration of the extension is at most equal to the duration of the leave obtained, up to a maximum of 12 months.
Social assistance services: Throughout the year, a social assistance service is available to help doctoral candidates and direct them to the appropriate structures. Whether the difficulties are of a family, financial or material nature, they can benefit from support in their efforts:
CROUS Social Assistance Service
Sorbonne Campus Galerie Claude Bernard - staircase U, 1st floor - offices E665 and E666
01 40 46 34 34. By appointment.
Campus Pierre et Marie Curie Espace vie étudiante Patio 23-34 - contact: 01 44 27 21 47 or 01 44 27 39 48
Drop-in day care center: The drop-in day care center welcomes the children of Sorbonne University doctoral candidates. It is open all year round from 8:30 am to 6:15 pm, except during university vacations and from July 20 to September 1. It welcomes about twenty children, aged from 10 weeks to 3-and-a-half years old. It is possible to welcome children from 2 to 4 days a week. Pre-registration is open for the beginning of the school year in September, by telephone appointment.
01 44 27 52 99