My Life as a Researcher
Established three years ago, The Institut de Biologie Paris-Seine (IBPS) has been welcoming to Sorbonne University for fun hands-on work based on the concepts of molecular biology and genetics.
Presented as a scientific police investigation and supervised by young doctoral students, students are called upon to apply an investigative approach just like real investigators and mobilise their knowledge to unmask the culprit!
Organised since 2017, this program is aimed at 1st and 12th year high school students in the Paris Region that are taking the Scientific and Science & Laboratory Technology (S/STL) sections in their schools.
This initiative, supported by the Île-de-France Region, the Rectorate, Paris City Council and the Academies of Versailles, Créteil and Paris has several objectives:
- To consolidate the concepts discussed in class throughout the year in an interactive and original way.
- To follow a rigorous scientific approach similar to real researchers
- To introduce high-school students to the university and show that it is accessible to them.
- To present the biology courses and the different careers they can offer.
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