The TRAIN4EU+ project winner of the "Science with and for society" call
The 4EU+ Alliance [1] will receive additional funding within the framework of the Horizon 2020 call "Science with and for society", for its TRAIN4EU+ project (Transforming Research & Innovation agendas and support within 4EU+) [2].
While this special grant is not intended to cover the funding of joint research activities, it will support efforts to transform research and innovation (R&I), in particular the dissemination and integration of open scientific practices, strengthening cooperation and co-creation with non-academic sectors, dematerialization of research support processes.
It strengthens the Alliance in its ambition to place itself at the service of society, to help it meet the challenges of our time, a major axis of the 4EU+ strategy.
By developing a culture of co-learning, co-innovation, evaluation of good practices within its members, the 4EU+ Alliance will apply a systematic methodology to identify the best models and procedures, and thus guarantee quality support to the scientific community.
To testify to its contribution to the development of the European Research Area and to feed the reflections of political, economic and academic decision-makers, the results of the project will be widely communicated outside the sphere of the Alliance.
[1] The 4EU+ Alliance brings together six member universities—Charles, Heidelberg and Sorbonne Universities, and the Universities of Copenhagen, Milan and Warsaw
[2] The TRAIN4EU+ project was coordinated by the University of Copenhagen, each member university of 4EU+ having led at least one work module.