Scientific integrity delegation
Scientific integrity covers all the rules, values and requirements that any scientific approach must respect to guarantee the honest and scientifically rigorous nature of the knowledge it produces or transmits.
The Decree of December 3, 2021, issued in application of the Research Programming Law, defines the institution's responsibility and obligations in terms of scientific integrity.
Led by Sorbonne University's Scientific Integrity Officer, the Scientific Integrity Delegation includes the Scientific Integrity Committee and a network of ambassadors.
Sorbonne University's Scientific Integrity Officer
The Scientific Integrity Officer (RIS) is appointed by the President of Sorbonne University. He or she has a threefold mission to:
- promote a culture of scientific integrity throughout the university, irrespective of disciplinary differences,
- answer questions on scientific integrity from those involved in research,
- investigate reports of breaches of scientific integrity.
Issues of scientific integrity concern individual researchers, all research groups, support staff, and all facets of scientific activity: the development of knowledge, its dissemination, the training of students and doctoral candidates, expertise and evaluation.
The culture of scientific integrity covers both knowledge of the rules and requirements specific to any scientific approach, as well as of the various typical breaches, and the ability to question oneself and others on the best practices when conducting a scientific project.
This culture is promoted through communication and awareness-raising initiatives, dialogue with the directors of research units, doctoral schools and departments, and initial and ongoing training. It is also fostered by the implementation of transparent processes.
For these first two tasks, the Scientific Integrity Officer works closely with the members of the Scientific Integrity Committee he/she chairs (see below), as well as with a network of ambassadors.
The Scientific Integrity Officer is also responsible for investigating all allegations of breaches of scientific integrity within the establishment (see below).
Listed in the RIS directory of the Office français de l'intégrité scientifique (OFIS), Sorbonne University's Scientific Integrity Officer participates in the network of integrity officers set up in 2016. He also takes part in international meetings dedicated to promoting scientific integrity. He thus acts in line with national and international practices for dealing with breaches of integrity.
Roger Guérin, Sorbonne University's Scientific Integrity Coordinator, is joined by a Scientific Integrity Coordinator for the Faculty of Health Sciences, Christian Funck-Brentano, PU-PH.
The Scientific Integrity Officer draws up an annual activity report, which he presents to the Academic Council and the Board of Directors.
The Scientific Integrity Committee
The Scientific Integrity Coordinator works in close collaboration with the members of the Scientific Integrity Committee to implement the first two missions mentioned above.
The Scientific Integrity Committee, chaired by the Scientific Integrity Coordinator, is made up of members from the university's various disciplines, appointed by the President of Sorbonne University:
- Florence Babonneau (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
- Bernard Banoun (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
- Cécile Caby (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
- Catherine Coirault (Faculty of Medicine)
- Agnès Dechartres (Faculty of Medicine)
- Pierre Demeulenaere (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
- Sylvie Douche (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
- Christian Funck-Brentano (Faculty of Medicine)
- Nicolas Heck (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
- Paul Indelicato (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
- Thanh Thuy Nguyen Tu (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
The Scientific Integrity Committee meets at least three times a year, and may set up ad hoc working groups involving external parties. Its activities are in line with the establishment's policy of promoting trusting, responsible and open science, and are carried out where necessary in collaboration with the other referents/bodies in charge of ethics for civil servants, research ethics, mediation and open science.
Allegations of breaches of scientific integrity: reporting and investigation
All staff working at Sorbonne University who observe a breach of scientific integrity have a duty to report it to the Scientific Integrity Officer by regular or electronic mail. The Scientific Integrity Coordinator guarantees the confidentiality of all reports, including to the President of Sorbonne University. No anonymous reports are accepted.
The processing of these reports is governed by the principles and recommendations set out in the Procedures Manual, published online by OFIS.
After receiving a report and establishing its admissibility, the referent hears all the parties involved and gathers all available evidence. If some of the protagonists belong to other research operators (e.g. CNRS or INSERM), he/she will contact the scientific integrity officers at their establishments to investigate the report in agreement with them. He or she may call on external experts or call on the expertise of internal or external colleagues. All referents and experts involved in the investigation sign a declaration of interest to avoid conflicts of interest, and a commitment to strict confidentiality. On the basis of the experts' conclusions and his or her own investigations, the referee sends his or her report and proposals to the President of Sorbonne University, who alone is empowered to take the necessary follow-up and communication decisions.
The investigation, which is carried out as quickly as possible, guarantees the presumption of innocence and good faith, so that it is conducted both for and against the accused. If the investigation concludes that no misconduct has occurred, the university president officially informs the accused person.
Le référent à l'intégrité scientifique est disponible sur rendez-vous aux Cordeliers ou en visio
- Office français de l’intégrité scientifique : OFIS, département du Haut Conseil de l’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur (cf. Code de la recherche L.114-3-1)
- Mission à l’intégrité scientifique du CNRS : MIS
- La délégation à l’intégrité scientifique de l’Inserm : DIS
- Décret no 2021-1572 du 3 décembre 2021 relatif au respect des exigences de l’intégrité scientifique par les établissements publics contribuant au service public de la recherche, décret pris en application de la Loi de programmation pour la recherche (cf. Code de la recherche, L.211.2)
- Manuel de procédures de traitement des signalements relatifs à l’intégrité scientifique, mai 2023, réalisé par l'association RESINT (Réseau Intégrité Scientifique). Ce guide a fait l’objet d’une précédente version, le Guide pour le recueil et le traitement des signalements relatifs à l'intégrité scientifique (novembre 2018).
- Arrêté du 25 mai 2016 fixant le cadre national de la formation et les modalités conduisant à la délivrance du diplôme national de doctorat : les écoles doctorales doivent « veiller à ce que chaque doctorant reçoive une formation à l’éthique de la recherche et à l’intégrité scientifique » (art. 3-4). Modifié le 26 août 2022, cet arrêté introduit la « sensibilisation à la science ouverte » des doctorants (art. 3-5) et le serment d’intégrité scientifique (art. 19bis).
- Rapport Alix - Renforcer l'intégrité de la recherche en France, septembre 2010
- Avis du Comité d'éthique du CNRS sur la nécessité d'une mise en place au CNRS de procédures en vue de promouvoir l'intégrité en recherche, août 2014
- Charte française de déontologie des métiers de la recherche / French Charter for Research Integrity, (2015) ratifiée par les opérateurs de recherche et conférences d’établissements dont France Universités (ex. CPU)
- Rapport Corvol - Bilan et propositions de mise en œuvre de la charte nationale d'intégrité scientifique, juin 2016
- Circulaire MENESR du 15 mars 2017 relative à la politique d'intégrité scientifique au sein des opérateurs de recherche
- Vade-mecum intégrité scientifique, mars 2017, établi par un groupe d’experts dans la suite du rapport Corvol
- Guide CNRS-CPU - Pratiquer une recherche intègre et responsable, mars 2017
- Avis du Comité d'éthique du CNRS (Comets) - Réflexion éthique sur le plagiat dans la recherche scientifique, juin 2017
- Charte de déontologie et d’intégrité scientifique de l’ANR, cette charte de déontologie intègre, depuis 2018, les principes et règles en matière d’intégrité scientifique
- Rapport de l’Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques, Promouvoir et protéger une culture partagée de l’intégrité scientifique, mars 2021
- Travailler dans le respect des principes d'intégrité scientifique et éthique, ressources du Collège doctoral Sorbonne Université (11 conférences, 2017-2018).
- MOOC Intégrité scientifique dans les métiers de la recherche, université de Bordeaux
- MOOC Science ouverte (avec un module intégrité scientifique), Sorbonne Université
- MOOC éthique de la recherche, université de Lyon
- A. Mansour et St. Ruphy, Tendances de la recherche sur l'intégrité scientifique, décembre 2022.
- The European Charter for Researchers, 2005 – version en français : Charte européenne du chercheur.
- Investigating Research Misconduct Allegations in International Collaborative Research Projects (OECD/OCDE), OECD Global Science Forum, 2009.
- Singapore Statement on Research Integrity – version en français : Déclaration de Singapour sur l’intégrité en recherche, 2010, 1st World Conference on Research Integrity (WCRI)
- The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, 2017 – version en français : Code de conduite européen pour l'intégrité en recherche, 2018.
- Towards a Research Integrity Culture at Universities, LERU, janvier 2020
- Recommendations for the Investigation of Research Misconduct, 2020, European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity (ENERI) & European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO).
- European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity : ENERI
- European Network of Research Integrity Offices : ENRIO
- World Conferences on Research Integrity : WCRI