Appel à candidature CSC 2023 - bis
Ecole doctorale Astronomie et Astrophysique d'Ile de France
- Multiwavelength astrometry of AGN: from nuclear jets to celestial reference frames - Porteur de projet : Sébastien LAMBERT
- Investigation of Mercury dynamics: BepiColombo observations and numerical simulations - Porteur de projet : Fouad SAHRAOU
Ecole doctorale Sciences de l'environnement d'Ile-de-France
- External inputs of metals to the ocean: coupling observation, experiments and modelling approaches - Porteuse de projet : Cécile GUIEU
Ecole doctorale Cerveau, cognition, comportement
- Molecular drivers of glioblastoma cell plasticity - Porteuse de projet : Marie-Pierre JUNIER
- MADLESS: Reducing oxidative damage in age-related macular degeneration - Porteur de projet : Thierry LEVEILLARD
Ecole doctorale Chimie Physique et Chimie Analytique de Paris Centre
- Operando investigation of electrocatalytic reactions thanks to electrochemical tip enhanced Raman spectroscopy - Porteur de projet : Emmanuel MAISONHAUTE
- Investigation of water treatment against scaling with a sacrificial anode by using a combined electrochemical sensor - Porteur de projet : Hubert PERROT
Ecole doctorale Physiologie, Physiopathologie & Thérapeutique
- Exploration of the pathophysiology of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-associated Myocarditis and development of personalized therapies - Porteur de projet : Joe-Elie SALEM
Ecole doctorale Physique et Chimie des Matériaux
- Oral controlled delivery with agromaterials (chitosan and soy proteins isolates) - Porteur de projet : Patrice CASTIGNOLLES
- Ionic exchange of transition elements in glasses and glass-ceramics - Porteur de projet : Laurent CORMIER
- Thiolactones, a powerful tool to design sustainable polymers - Porteur de projet : Philippe GUEGAN
- Advanced hierarchical superstructures of nanoparticles in liquid crystal matrices - Porteuse de projet : Emmanuelle LACAZE
- Excess electrons in reducible TiO2 polymorphs: trapped or free states? - Porteur de projet : Rémi LAZZARI
Ecole doctorale Géosciences, ressources naturelles et environnement
- Spatiotemporal characterization of the organic matter in wetlands of the SeineEstuary - Porteur de projet : Arnaud HUGUET
Ecole doctorale Chimie moléculaire de Paris Centre
- High-throughput and large-scale IM-MS approach for the characterization of oligosaccharides in breast milks - Porteuse de projet : Sandra ALVES
- Catalytic Functionalizations of 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural by Selective C–H Activations - Porteuse de projet : Julie OBLE
- Organic Pi-acid Molecules for the Implementation of Anion-Pi Catalysis - Porteuse de projet : Myriam ROY
Ecole doctorale Complexité du vivant
- Retrograde Signalling during seed dormancy and germination - Porteuse de projet : Maria Victoria GOMEZ ROLDAN
- Mechanistic analysis of post-transcriptional regulation in muscle cell differentiation - Porteur de projet : De-Li SHI