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Nous avons trouvé 21 résultats pour votre recherche

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Mechanics of solids and structures

… intelligent materials and active structures. The course comprises a common first year: Master 1 Solid Mechanics: Materials and Structures course catalog Three subjects are offered in the second …

  • Actualité

How to get prepared for the new academic year 2024-2025

… opportunities to meet teaching staff and find out about the course registration process. You are welcome to attend the … registration is not complete yet. 4. Completing your course registration Once you have received your student card …

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Lecture 7 - Nicholas H. Steneck

… in 1992. He has recently designed an innovative online course on in order to help and support young … Conférences internationales sur l’intégrité en recherche Cours en ligne sur l’intégrité conçu par le Pr Steneck   … …

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Master's degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology (BMC)

… or biophysics. The Master's programme offers 10 courses , seven of which are specific to the programme and … on the Sorbonne University website .   Opening of a new M2 course (2024-2025) From September 2024, the Master BMC will …

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Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS)

… Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS) In many countries, and … the world of engineering sciences and that of health. The course aims to train experts capable of proposing and …

  • Article

The ethics and whistle-blowing officer

… to Pierre Valleix, Honorary General Counsel at the Cour de cassation. The ethics officer The law of April 11, … whistleblower must have become aware of the facts in the course of his or her duties, or if the information was not …

  • Actualité

With PostGenAI@Paris, Sorbonne University becomes a visible force in AI

… (CNAM), the APHP, the Conseil économique et social, the Cour de Cassation and some thirty companies ranging from … (CNAM), the APHP, the Conseil économique et social, the Cour de Cassation and some thirty companies ranging from …

  • Actualité

Is eliminating CO₂ through the oceanic carbon sink a good idea?

… un casse-tête La plus grande difficulté concernant le recours aux techniques de mCDR réside probablement dans la … de la nécessité d’atteindre des émissions nettes nulles au cours des prochaines décennies pour stabiliser le …

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M2 - Second year Master’s

… other Sorbonne University master's programs. Specialisation course specific to the path followed EU scientific analysis … / company / in France or abroad 30 ECTS List of M2 courses To consult our EU fact sheets, click HERE . Code UE …

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Sorbonne Summer University - Registration

… Sorbonne Summer University - Registration After selecting a course cycle or a French as a foreign language course from the provided program, you can complete your …