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Nous avons trouvé 97 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Actualité

"Gender stereotypes are still persistent today."

… XX, XY), the influence of sex hormones at different stages of life, and the impact of the environment, which is …

  • Presse

AI & Democracy: Launch of “Democratic Commons” The first global research program to build AI in service of Democracy

… expertise in artificial intelligence on the international stage. It also marks the continuity of France's historic …

  • Article

Specific rules and principles

… document that helps to organize and anticipate all the stages in the data life cycle. It specifies how the data …

  • Actualité

Laure Bonnaud-Ponticelli: "The octopus has phenomenal analytical capacities!”

… from it. We also see this before hatching. At the embryonic stage, these animals are extremely sensitive to their …

  • Article

International doctoral programs

… of the CSC). Recruitment campaign It takes place in several stages: A call for doctoral research projects is launched to …

  • Actualité

The Covid Crisis Has Made The Fight Against AIDS Invisible

… Last year, 30% of new diagnoses were at the disease stage, which is a very poor figure. Clearly, the Covid …

  • Actualité

Call for Thesis Supervisors - Doctoral programs Scientific policy

… and applications Doctoral contracts will be awarded in two stages. A first selection will be made on the basis of the …

  • Article

Data Science, Machine Learning & Knowledge (DAC)

… interpretation 6 IMA Semester 4 Acronym Title ECTS Course Stage End of Master 2 internship 27 DAC IP Professional …

  • Actualité

The stained glass windows of Notre-Dame regain their light

… century, which are much brighter. What were the different stages of their restoration? K. B.: I intervened in the …

  • Article

Energy and Environment Program

… S2 M1 100       MU4LV002 Langue 3 S2 M1 100       MU4MESO2 Stage 6 S2 M1     100   MU4MEVxx Evaluation en milieu … MU5MEV04 Projet de fin d'étude 15 S4 M2     100   MU5MExxx Stage  27 S4 M2     100     Accès plateformes pédagogiques …