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Nous avons trouvé 81 résultats pour votre recherche

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How Climate Change is Affecting our Oceans

… as part of an international collaboration 1 . Warming waters, melting glaciers and disrupted precipitation form a … the ocean surface that decouples from the deep ocean: like water on oil, this separation limits ocean mixing and makes …

  • Actualité

Deep seabed mining in 5 questions

… two legal frameworks for the deep seabed:   The territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of each State, … Reunion, Polynesia and New Caledonia. International waters, also called the “Zone”. The seabed outside …

  • Actualité

Seeing with Sound

… To test its effectiveness, we taught rodents undergoing water restriction an associative behavior between a flash of light and the arrival of a drop of water. Then, we replaced the visual stimulation (the light …

  • Article

Code of ethics

… civil society, by limiting resource consumption (energy, water, paper, packaging, particularly plastic, etc.) and … civil society, by limiting resource consumption (energy, water, paper, packaging, particularly plastic, etc.) and …

  • Portrait

Anaïs Abramian

… rivers in the laboratory by controlling parameters such as water or sediment flow to reveal the fundamental … "Most natural phenomena involve a mixture of sand and water that induces cohesive forces between the grains. This …

  • Portrait

Ève Planeix

… a lot of organization and adaptation. I train in the water from 8am until 1pm, then I train again for about three … swimming costumes and move around, jump around and feel the water on me. What is your most vivid memory of a …

  • Actualité

The Southern Ocean at the Heart of Climate Change

… also one of the fastest warming oceans on Earth. Its warmer waters are becoming more acidic and losing oxygen. And … ocean. It's exactly like adding a layer of oil on top of water; the mixing between the different layers of the ocean …

  • Article

M2 - Nuclear engineering course (IN)

… Technical and functional description of pressurized water reactors and boiling water reactors. Design choices for third generation water reactors. Introduction to sodium-cooled fast reactors …

  • Actualité

A climate mission at sea off the coast of Brazil

… the potential instability of gas hydrates—pockets of frozen water that form within layers of sediment and contain gas … rising sea levels likely to increase pressure, and warmer waters, it is conceivable that the instability of gas …

  • Actualité

Microfibers of the Mediterranean

… plants. In that case, everything is then dumped into the water... Several decades ago, this problem was not as … of climate change. At the time we found this Vibrio , the water temperature in the area at that time averaged around …