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Protecting Against Cyber Attacks

… feel that it can be the first step that can lead to making Paris a global center of expertise in this area. What …

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A better prognosis for the return to consciousness in intensive care patients

… better prognosis. Published on 05/30/2024 - Updated on 11/06/2024 Type de document Press release Document cp_reanimation_en.pdf (pdf 163.14 KB) Katherine Tyrka, International press service at … Intensive Care Unit at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. Led by Benjamin Rohaut and Charlotte Calligaris …

  • Article

Human Physiology and Pathophysiology track - PPH

… - physiologie physiopathologies humaines.pdf (pdf 498.64 KB) Published on 1/01/2020 - Updated on 2/09/2024 … First year 2nd semester Courses Mandatory courses  (6 ou 12  ECTS) MU4BI012 - Physiologie cardiovasculaire, … 44 27 23 81 9, quai Saint Bernard Case courrier 118 75252 Paris Cedex 05 … This program gives students a precise …

  • Article

Conservation Ecology - Ecological Engineering: Research and Expertise (ECIRE)

… Museum of Natural History (MNHN) and the University of Paris-Saclay, so students can choose UEs managed by the … (3 ECTS) Methodology (3 ECTS) Modeling (3 ECTS) Internship (6 ECTS) The students follow the 12 remaining ECTS among the … following panel of UE, of 6 ECTS each, shared with MNHN, Paris-Saclay University and the EEF course: BIVE: Plant …

  • Actualité

Optogenetic Methods Restore Partial Vision in a Blind Patient

… de la Vision and Hôpital National des Quinze-Vingts, Paris, the University of Pittsburgh, the Institute of … staple box. The patient touched the notebook during 36 of 39 separate evaluations (in other words, 92% of the time), but could pick out the smaller staple box only 36% of the time. In a second test, the subject correctly …

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Lithium, the new white gold for the green transition?

… Christel Laberty-Robert, head of the RMES 1 team at the Paris Condensed Matter Chemistry Laboratory (in French) and …

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Bio-Informatics and Modeling (BIM)

… In the second semester, students are required to complete a 6-month research internship in a laboratory, which will … Secrétariat   Couloir 24-25, 2e étage, Case courrier 166, 4 place Jussieu 75252 Paris cedex 05 +33 (0)1 44 27 53 80 Contact by email … The …

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Parcours Ingénierie pour la santé (IPS)

… world and patients. Published on 21/01/2020 - Updated on 1/06/2022 Objectifs L'objectif du parcours est de dispenser un … in France and abroad. First  Year (M1) 1 st semeste r -  In Paris Basics of mechatronics: Mechanic, Electronics, … bio-mechanic systems. 2 nd year (M2) 3 rd semest e r -  In Paris Design of systems for diagnosis, rehabilitation and …

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Outstanding collections and bequests

… collections. Published on 29/11/2019 - Updated on 26/08/2024 Outstanding collections and bequests Its … the Dupuytren Museum closed its doors for good in 2016. The collections have been transferred to new, secure … by email Collection Auzoux The INSPÉ de l'Académie de Paris has a remarkable collection of several dozen 19th …

  • Article

Nutrition, Quality and Health track - NQS

… - communication   Plaquette_alternance_NQS.pdf (pdf 1.69 MB) Plaquette - Nutrition Qualité et Santé (pdf 503.33 … MU4BI014 - Régulation intégrée de la balance énergétique (6 ECTS) MU4BI015 - Physiologie digestive (6 ECTS) MU4BI013 - … 44 27 72 86 9, quai Saint Bernard Case courrier 147 75252 Paris Cedex 05 … In this course, we look at human nutrition …