Nous avons trouvé 81 résultats pour votre recherche
DNA Data Storage: Revolutionary Technology
… of years without any energy input, if it is preserved from water, air and light. It is also a million times more … of years without any energy input, if it is preserved from water, air and light. It is also a million times more …
Earth Day: It's all about the plastic
… : “Phthalates are found at significant levels in water, therefore in urine, amniotic fluid… Substances like … : “Phthalates are found at significant levels in water, therefore in urine, amniotic fluid… Substances like …
"We Have to Include Nature at the Design Table": Interview with a Biomimicist
… grain by grain, using a special adhesive that works underwater. For years, humans struggled to create an adhesive … – they sequester carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, manage water, biodegrade and recycle everything, and perform … grain by grain, using a special adhesive that works underwater. For years, humans struggled to create an adhesive …
Studying Notre-Dame’s Timbers to Understand Medieval Weather
… oxygen isotope ratios can reflect atmospheric temperature, water stress, precipitation levels, or even cloud cover. … oxygen isotope ratios can reflect atmospheric temperature, water stress, precipitation levels, or even cloud cover. …
Into the deep with Dr. Katherine Hutchinson: From Antarctic expeditions to cutting-edge climate research
… As for the work, I was basically a dogsbody: helping with water sampling and equipment deployment, but it was … As for the work, I was basically a dogsbody: helping with water sampling and equipment deployment, but it was …
Community life
… Med'Alo is a new association starting in 2022. It offers water sports activities, starting in the first half of the … Med'Alo is a new association starting in 2022. It offers water sports activities, starting in the first half of the …
Provisions for the Start of the 2022 Academic Year
… Hand hygiene, either by washing hands with soap and water or by hydro-alcoholic friction; Flow management, which … Hand hygiene, either by washing hands with soap and water or by hydro-alcoholic friction; Flow management, which …
A TV Program to Promote Climate Solutions
… 31/01/2022 Reading time 4 min. At the UNESCO International WaterMega Conference, from January 11 to 13, Georges Leclere … the project. You participated in the EauMega conference on water, megacities and global change, organized by UNESCO on … this idea of a TV hackathon. In New York alone, the rising waters could be catastrophic if no one takes the problem …
Sorbonne University and SUEZ sign a partnership to accelerate scientific research of the environment
… of the planet's biogeochemical cycles (such as storm water management, water sharing between urban and rural areas and natural … work on a national scale on health monitoring through wastewater networks. SUEZ, whose 40,000 employees are present in …
Lithium, the new white gold for the green transition?
… energy-intensive and require large quantities of water and chemicals. Lithium is also present in brines, … to the surface and then stored for several months until the water evaporates. They then undergo chemical and physical … of lithium from brines involves very large quantities of water: about 2 million liters of water to produce one ton of …