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Nous avons trouvé 321 résultats pour votre recherche

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Deep seabed mining in 5 questions

… vibrations in ocean areas previously devoid of human activity. The impact on deep-sea fauna: deep-sea species …

  • Presse

A better prognosis for the return to consciousness in intensive care patients

… observe a dissociation between patient behavior and brain activity: some patients in a vegetative state seem to …

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Catherine Tourette-Turgis receives the Pink Ribbon Award

… to work, the cancer diagnosis, job interviews, physical activity, and sleep. We also have a number of projects …

  • Actualité

"Gender stereotypes are still persistent today."

… should not infer natural predispositions for this or that activity. For example, from their first months of life, …

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Open for you! A series of webinars to discover open science

… and technical knowledge developed in the research activities, in all fields. It is essential to disseminate …

  • Portrait

Duygu Ozenc

… and I assure you that I will continue to work hard and actively contribute to the Sorbonne University community. I …

  • Article

Intelligent Systems Engineering (ISI) course

… software engineering and big data aims to present the main activities related to the realization of a large-scale IT …

  • Actualité

Humans Will Always Have Oxygen to Breathe, but we Can’t Say the Same for Ocean Life

… less efficient, restricting the penetration of oxygen. The activity of enzymes, including those involved in …

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Immersion in the simulation department

… of Medicine has been involved in the medical simulation activity since 2011. First set up by the resuscitation and …

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The Covid Crisis Has Made The Fight Against AIDS Invisible

… in concrete terms? And why not open PrEP to all sexually active people? G.P.: The whole question is to estimate the …