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Nous avons trouvé 39 résultats pour votre recherche

  • Actualité

Fake news and the climate

… is no longer just a number, a curve, or disaster-themed films, it has become a real individual and collective …

  • Portrait

Kaspar Ravel

… example, VHS filters or the grain of an image taken with a film camera, at first seen as defects, now make us feel …

  • Presse

Facial reconstruction: A multidisciplinary study at Sorbonne University restores the face of a Napoleonic soldier

… plunges viewers into the heart of this investigation. The film was shown on November 22, 2023 during a cine-debate …

  • Actualité

A TV Program to Promote Climate Solutions

… researchers, entrepreneurs and others. They will then be filmed and streamed on our special channel. We envision that …

  • Actualité

Gender Month

… a rich program of  "Gender Month" 2022 event. These include film-debates, plays, and a theater-forum. The programmed … et sexuelles au sein de l’enseignement supérieur.  Ce film participe à la sensibilisation de l’ensemble de la … Le 29 novembre au cinéma Les 3 Luxembourg Une projection du film documentaire Tout va très bien de Léa-Nunzia Corrieras …

  • Actualité

The language of love. Meeting with linguist Julie Neveux

… as a tribute to our collective culture, I have taken from films, songs, books, so that each and everyone can say to …

  • Article

Master 2 courses in Physics - Physics of Plasmas and Fusion track

… is also addressed - a major issue in microelectronics, thin film deposition, but also light sources (gas lasers, …

  • Article

Master of Chemistry

… field of spectroscopy    CAPT Surfaces, interfaces, thin films    Master the theoretical concepts and experimental …

  • Article

Master 2 courses in Physics - International Centre for Fundamental Physics track

… and inertia-dominated flows. A particular focus on thin films will allow for a description of flows as diverse as …